Alpha three testing of the first stage of module two is currently underway as I continue to work on the second stage (of the three in total) of the second module. The second alpha testing has been completed, and results are in this month's blog, as below...
Alpha Two Results
In my last report, my wife had completed 15 hours of her alpha 2 testing. By the time she finished the fixed alpha 2 version (now with its previously broken areas repaired and made accessible), her final play time came in at just under 35 hours. That was a fair increase considering her first alpha test had come in at just under 25 hours. A ten hour increase, even based on her second play test.
My wife reported that she was very satisfied with the fixed NPC conversations, and apart from a couple of tweaks for logical flow, they allowed her to complete a few tasks that had come to an abrupt end previously. The biggest difference and the most entertaining for her, however, was now being able to enter a couple of new areas that had not been fully completed previously. My wife remarked that she had not expected the areas to be as involved as they turned out to be (due to where they were located on the area map), and was pleasantly surprised at the depth of the story that came from it, and some of the new mechanics that in included.
As this was the first test for these new areas, there still remained a couple of misplaced items, which I had to fix "live" to allow her to finish. Overall, however, my wife reported that this "new" section of stage one was probably her favourite section to date, because of who it involved and how the story played out. I cannot say more to avoid spoilers. Suffice to say, all the initial issues for this section have now been addressed, and my wife is currently in her third alpha test of the entire stage one, which should now be, to all intents and purposes, complete. Once she has finished this third alpha test, that will probably be her last until I have finished stage two to allow her to move forward.
A final point about the latest alpha testing, is to say that new creature AI all worked well, and latest creature balancing appears to be working as expected now.
Stage Two Development
There is certainly more work involved in getting the second stage up and running, and I can recall at least three "largish" scenarios I need to finish. Sadly, we have had some real life issues that have had a bit of an impact on me, but rest assured, I am still progressing as and when I can.
Currently, I remain working on a conversion of a favourite scenario I wrote many years ago for my PnP (Pen and Paper) campaign. Like another I converted (which my wife has now already play tested in the first alpha), it requires quite a bit of revision to remind myself of how it was supposed to play as well as consider any adjustments required for its translation from paper to computer.
This is one of those scenarios which my own players have already played in this campaign, but I have been able to adapt it to work in this later time frame so that new players will also benefit from it. Furthermore, as my own players played it over 30 years ago now, they have said they have no qualms about replaying these older scenarios in the new computer NWN format.
Only in the last week, I was able to convert the original PnP handouts required for this scenario into my "readable" books and scrolls content where required; at the same time fixing some minor points of logical flow, or altering the same to work in the slightly altered design. This also allowed me to refresh my own memory on how the scenario played out, and remind myself of the other items required... I discovered that there are a fair few, which all require careful journal/task handling, as well has some new scripted events related to them. Some, I hasten to add, I have already done, as I knew they would be required before I read over my notes. However, it's the smaller steps that remain to be done. It looks like it should be fun for me to translate their implementation, and I hope that also means it will translate as fun for the player.
Campaign Update
The current latest version available is v1.10, which, hopefully, covers the last of any alterations and updates (including fixing these alterations) made for some Module 2 updates. Although, just yesterday a small scaling issue (to do with a book dropped) has been discovered, which will be part of v1.11 when it becomes available. It's nothing major, and just requires the player to look a little closer at the screen to pick up the book (if dropped), due to the book rescaling to around a tenth of its size on the drop. I am still strongly recommending v1.10 as the latest update to have installed, as this version fixes a few location issues that could place PCs in a wrong position, as well as a missing texture for a readable book. It also addresses a number of quality of play issues.
Therefore, v1.11 is currently rescheduled for next month, around 10th August, to allow time for any other issues that may have not yet been discovered to be reported and included. Again, if anything major turns up, then this will expedite the release.
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The College Mausoleum (Stage Two) |
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New Readable GUIs (Stage Two) |
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