It seems to be a repeating theme of late: I have an idea for module two, which then snowballs into a campaign idea that I want to make available for module one too. This obviously refers to the game mechanics than any new plot device, but the point is, it ends up taking me longer than I first realise. Read on for the latest month's updates.
Efficiency & Polish
The problem is, whenever I see an issue with the existing code, no matter how small, I prefer to try to do something about it rather than let it ride. Sure, I could let it go and try to concentrate on new plot only, but when I then try to implement new material, it can then reveal the weaknesses of areas of the code that can do with an overhaul. This is what happened when I tried to play a MP game of my module. Some of the areas were taking too long to load and some conversations went awry. This forced me to redesign some of the areas and rework conversations, but the efficiency of area load times or logical flow were not the only things I felt obliged to address.
The Journal Tasks
The above issues aside, lately I have also found myself irritated by some journal notes spamming the window on an update. I knew exactly what was causing it: Sometimes my journal entries update information pertaining to items required for a specific task. For example, when collecting the prayer rods in module one, the journal title also updates with the number of rods collected for ease of reference. However, to do this, I have to remove the journal entry each time before I can update the TOKEN that refers to the new quantity information. The result is a journal update double spam to the chat window. So, I could either remove this additional information, or, as I decided to do, add a new TASK menu list. (See this weeks screen shot from the new module two below.)
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Outside The Toothrot Tavern Showing The New (Empty) Task List |
The idea is this new small Task List GUI window will now list all tasks that involve item collections for quick reference, rather than keep the information with the journal entry. The player has the option to open or close this Task List GUI as they like by a simple left click on a new small button. Furthermore, I added a simple right-click option to the same button for the player to change the background of the task list from this default shown in the image, to have a black smudge behind the text or just plain text list without any background. The button also highlights when a task list is available. It all works well, and now allows me to remove extra tokens used within the journal entries and avoid journal update spam messages. Sadly, it does not allow me to remove every TOKEN reference, and so some double entries will remain, but hopefully, they will be far fewer. I still have a little work left to finalize the Task List GUI, but hopefully will have that done by the next post. (i.e. Rewrite the code to update the GUI text rather than journal TOKENS.)
The Journal Updates
As I worked on the new task list GUI, I also looked at the way journal entries were delivered in general, looking at rewriting the system to improve its delivery. I have always liked the way games like The Witcher have presented them and so looked at designing a similar system. Shortly after this, Andgalf (at the Vault forums) posted a link to a similar idea I was working on, and this cemented my desire to polish this area of the campaign. The following image shows the new journal update style.
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Opening Scene Showing New Journal Format |
Other Game Mechanics
The journal was not the only area where I updated and polished the code this month. Other areas include:
(i) The inventory, where further improvements have been made to help alleviate a rare issue where a player may flick quickly between new items and confuse an item description. Now, clicking on an item will always update the description (unless paused).
(ii) The action queue GUI has had its queue size increased, and for those that even want to stop their Main PC from retaliating when attacked, the small sword now acts as a button to toggle auto-retaliation on or off. WARNING: Unless you really want to, keep this on its default value to retaliate.
(iii) The Show Info GUI has undergone additional updates and polish, as well as the new Task List GUI button. It now also has another Broadcast command added: Attack Nearest. Like its two complementary broadcast buttons (Follow and Stand Ground), it removes the need for the player to do multiple clicks to reach the command buried in a right-click menu.
(iv) The follow AI logic has been improved, or corrected, depending upon your point of view. In particular, associates are now more correctly associated with their masters, but without compromising the overall Main PC orders where possible.
(v) Faster PC movement has been implemented from an area map (if the map can be opened in the first place). It has been improved to include keeping encumbered PCs up with the accelerated movement rates. Think open map and click on it to fast travel PCs to a point on the map. The only difference is that when the area map is clicked, a GUI with a list of waypoints is presented for the player to select the destination. NB: The player can add their own waypoints at their current location.
(vi) A door had to be fixed because it was missing a collision skeleton. My thanks to rjshae (at the Vault forums) for the fix! NB: This means the large hak had to be updated and will also require downloading again when I update the new v1.50E version of it.
(vii) Removed the ugly "chat" option from the menu presented when right-clicking in an area. Added new options for individual and group options for "Rally" (jumps controlled PCs to your side) and "AI" (to toggle AI on or off), alongside the existing portrait double right-click or brain icon options.
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Showing New Right-Click Menus |
The Final Snowball
The end result of all these updates and changes is that they have an impact on the way "libraries" of code are structured for the campaign. Functions that once worked in one library had to be move to another and recompiled to prevent any sort of conflicts from occurring. One library ended up being removed completely and amalgamated with another! This level of knock on effect means, as I have already stated, that previous module versions will NOT be compatible with the next release (v1.50E). However, players of the next version (onwards) will benefit from all these gaming improvements. Once MP and SP testing of these changes is complete, the new files will be uploaded for download. CAVEAT: You will be able to load a FINAL SAVE from any previous game you may have played. However, make sure the save is located in New Edgeton from where you can continue your adventure where you have the option to continue to module two.
Module Two
All these updates and changes are, of course, in anticipation of module two adventures that I am working on. The new adventures require specific conditions, which started the whole mishmash of changes ready for the player feedback. The end result, however, is that the campaign (all modules) once again all benefit (and are more polished) for it.
As for module two plot, it continues to have conversations written and journal entries updated, but of those, I cannot speak ..... ;)
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