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Saturday, 11 December 2021

Episode 56: Being Made Aware of the Details

There have been a number of updates and additions made to the campaign over the last week or so. Hopefully, you will already be aware of the new TASK GUI, which helps reduce reliance on in-game TOKENS. Well, now I have added a few other features to the mechanics, a couple of which are to do with the default game colours, which I hope will be especially helpful for the colour blind among us. Read on ...

Continued Improvements

Split Gold GUI

As regular readers of this blog will  know, I have been reworking key campaign mechanics to improve efficiency for the multi-player (MP) game. This has ranged from area load times optimisation to general code tweaks. This week, upon request of a player, I also "fixed" the splitgold.xml, which is very frustrating to use in its default state. First, it does not provide an immediate focus to the editable text box, and secondly, it leaves old data behind that has to be deleted before a new gold amount can be entered. Not only did I fix both of these issues, but I also added functionality allowing the player to use the "return" key to complete the transaction (rather than have to return to the mouse to click the OKAY button), or use the "escape" key to back out and cancel via a keyboard shortcut too.

Enemy Counter

Affecting both SP and MP games, I have now also added a monster counter for the immediate encounter that tracks how many creatures are in the current combat. It can go both up and down, subject to whether new enemy creatures enter the fray, or the heroes kill an enemy. This week's first screen shot shows a combat where the counter is displayed. Note, in this screenshot it shows 9+, which is the highest it will show for encounters where there are more than nine creatures. Once the number drops below ten, the counter updates one for one. An encounter with more than nine creatures is a rare one.

Turn-Based Combat Showing The New Enemy Counter (Top Left)

The Important Details

Only recently was I made aware of some aspects of the game mechanics that I did not know were there. This was due to my colour-blindness and either not seeing a colour at all (positive attribute bonuses) or finding it very difficult to see (on some unidentified items). It also made me think how easy it is to pick up an item and lose it somewhere among all the other items you may be carrying.

I try to go out of my way to keep the player informed of every stage of the story and where they are in it. However, if they should miss an important scroll or book among a treasure they looted, then it is possible for the story to stall if the player forgot they had acquired such an item during the distractions of the adventurer's life. For someone like myself, who struggles to note "new" items among "old" due to the subtle colour background, it can be quite difficult to locate new items among the many items we have collected.

So, to overcome this issue and the issue of not being able to see attribute benefits on a character sheet (in a light blue apparently), I was able to track down where the  default NWN2 colours were referenced (NWN2_Colors.2da) and alter them to be a much more vibrant and obvious blue colour. Furthermore, I added a system that made important unread reading materials flash this prominent blue when opening the inventory or when switching tabs; and to remain "unidentified" with said blue colour until fully read. Note, these books and scrolls (to which the system applies) are so low in gold value that anyone can identify them and they become properly identified (normal icon) once fully read.

Additionally, I have the same vibrant colour briefly flash on unexamined items (the equivalent to newly found items) to draw attention to the player that they have not yet been examined. Unlike essential reading material, they do NOT remain blue after flashing, allowing a player to click on them as normal to clear down the "new" status. Hopefully, this second screen shot of the week helps demonstrate ...

More Vibrant Colours For The Colour Blind
Furthermore, if an important reading item is discovered upon opening the inventory, the player also receives some Notice Text and a small sound to indicate they have something important to look at. For someone like me, or for the player who just likes a little more clarification of items, this makes a big difference.

And Finally ...

I have continued to alter areas for both module one and two, allowing more room in areas for larger parties. One point that became clear to me as I test in a MP environment is that while the idea of tight twisting corridors sounds good on paper and may even look quite good in game, nevertheless, it does not make for easy controllable gameplay.

I have also been continuing work on module two conversations. I believe I have finally reworked all the logic to ensure conversations work correctly for both SP and MP games. Now, I am adding to them as I find the time, and continuing to make slow but sure progress plot wise.

Unfortunately, to prevent spoilers, I cannot discuss these as much as the mechanics. However, I will see if I can come up with any teasers next time.

Thursday, 25 November 2021

Episode 55: The Snowball Effect

It seems to be a repeating theme of late: I have an idea for module two, which then snowballs into a campaign idea that I want to make available for module one too. This obviously refers to the game mechanics than any new plot device, but the point is, it ends up taking me longer than I first realise. Read on for the latest month's updates.

Efficiency & Polish

The problem is, whenever I see an issue with the existing code, no matter how small, I prefer to try to do something about it rather than let it ride. Sure, I could let it go and try to concentrate on new plot only, but when I then try to implement new material, it can then reveal the weaknesses of areas of the code that can do with an overhaul. This is what happened when I tried to play a MP game of my module. Some of the areas were taking too long to load and some conversations went awry. This forced me to redesign some of the areas and rework conversations, but the efficiency of area load times or logical flow were not the only things I felt obliged to address.

The Journal Tasks

The above issues aside, lately I have also found myself irritated by some journal notes spamming the window on an update. I knew exactly what was causing it: Sometimes my journal entries update information pertaining to items required for a specific task. For example, when collecting the prayer rods in module one, the journal title also updates with the number of rods collected for ease of reference. However, to do this, I have to remove the journal entry each time before I can update the TOKEN that refers to the new quantity information. The result is a journal update double spam to the chat window. So, I could either remove this additional information, or, as I decided to do, add a new TASK menu list. (See this weeks screen shot from the new module two below.)

Outside The Toothrot Tavern Showing The New (Empty) Task List

The idea is this new small Task List GUI window will now list all tasks that involve item collections for quick reference, rather than keep the information with the journal entry. The player has the option to open or close this Task List GUI as they like by a simple left click on a new small button. Furthermore, I added a simple right-click option to the same button for the player to change the background of the task list from this default shown in the image, to have a black smudge behind the text or just plain text list without any background. The button also highlights when a task list is available. It all works well, and now allows me to remove extra tokens used within the journal entries and avoid journal update spam messages. Sadly, it does not allow me to remove every TOKEN reference, and so some double entries will remain, but hopefully, they will be far fewer. I still have a little work left to finalize the Task List GUI, but hopefully will have that done by the next post. (i.e. Rewrite the code to update the GUI text rather than journal TOKENS.)

The Journal Updates

As I worked on the new task list GUI, I also looked at the way journal entries were delivered in general, looking at rewriting the system to improve its delivery. I have always liked the way games like The Witcher have presented them and so looked at designing a similar system. Shortly after this, Andgalf (at the Vault forums) posted a link to a similar idea I was working on, and this cemented my desire to polish this area of the campaign. The following image shows the new journal update style.

Opening Scene Showing New Journal Format

Other Game Mechanics

The journal was not the only area where I updated and polished the code this month. Other areas include:

(i) The inventory, where further improvements have been made to help alleviate a rare issue where a player may flick quickly between new items and confuse an item description. Now, clicking on an item will always update the description (unless paused). 

(ii) The action queue GUI has had its queue size increased, and for those that even want to stop their Main PC from retaliating when attacked, the small sword now acts as a button to toggle auto-retaliation on or off. WARNING: Unless you really want to, keep this on its default value to retaliate.

(iii) The Show Info GUI has undergone additional updates and polish, as well as the new Task List GUI button. It now also has another Broadcast command added: Attack Nearest. Like its two complementary broadcast buttons (Follow and Stand Ground), it removes the need for the player to do multiple clicks to reach the command buried in a right-click menu.

(iv) The follow AI logic has been improved, or corrected, depending upon your point of view. In particular, associates are now more correctly associated with their masters, but without compromising the overall Main PC orders where possible.

(v) Faster PC movement has been implemented from an area map (if the map can be opened in the first place). It has been improved to include keeping encumbered PCs up with the accelerated movement rates. Think open map and click on it to fast travel PCs to a point on the map. The only difference is that when the area map is clicked, a GUI with a list of waypoints is presented for the player to select the destination. NB: The player can add their own waypoints at their current location.

(vi) A door had to be fixed because it was missing a collision skeleton. My thanks to rjshae (at the Vault forums) for the fix! NB: This means the large hak had to be updated and will also require downloading again when I update the new v1.50E version of it.

(vii) Removed the ugly "chat" option from the menu presented when right-clicking in an area. Added new options for individual and group options for "Rally" (jumps controlled PCs to your side) and "AI" (to toggle AI on or off), alongside the existing portrait double right-click or brain icon options.

Showing New Right-Click Menus

The Final Snowball

The end result of all these updates and changes is that they have an impact on the way "libraries" of code are structured for the campaign. Functions that once worked in one library had to be move to another and recompiled to prevent any sort of conflicts from occurring. One library ended up being removed completely and amalgamated with another! This level of knock on effect means, as I have already stated, that previous module versions will NOT be compatible with the next release (v1.50E). However, players of the next version (onwards) will benefit from all these gaming improvements. Once MP and SP testing of these changes is complete, the new files will be uploaded for download. CAVEAT: You will be able to load a FINAL SAVE from any previous game you may have played. However, make sure the save is located in New Edgeton from where you can continue your adventure where you have the option to continue to module two.

Module Two

All these updates and changes are, of course, in anticipation of module two adventures that I am working on. The new adventures require specific conditions, which started the whole mishmash of changes ready for the player feedback. The end result, however, is that the campaign (all modules) once again all benefit (and are more polished) for it.

As for module two plot, it continues to have conversations written and journal entries updated, but of those, I cannot speak ..... ;)

Wednesday, 27 October 2021

Episode 54: Adventuring Forth!

Writing of module two continues alongside module one MP testing. I have covered quite a few various aspects over the last few weeks, from fixing of code to writing new material. It's been a mixed bag, which has helped move the overall project forward. Read on ...

General Improvements

While writing new material, readers of this blog will recall I have also been play-testing the MP environment. This is when I discovered area load times needed addressing, and some conversations required fixing. All these have now been done for both module one and two, and although not all areas are completed with the second module, I now have a target load time to work to. Furthermore, all conversations for the campaign now start as if from a SP environment and move to a MP conversation only as required; so no more interruptions for players in a MP environment unless expected.

Combat in a MP environment has also undergone some heavy testing, especially the TB-Combat system, which has been greatly improved to ensure queued actions are  no longer cleared on any broadcast commands. A few timings for combat starting shortly after arriving in an area have also been improved to avoid leaving a player in a black screen if using the auto-pause option.

The map fast-travel system has also had its overall speed capabilities quadrupled to allow me to ensure encumbered PCs can keep up with any doubled run rates of unencumbered ones. I did notice one or two side-effects of this system, which I am currently in the process of addressing. It seems any cutscene environment does not recognise the movement rate factor function, which means a PC in a cutscene can move very fast as a consequence. I am currently weighing up the pros and cons of the system with respect to this and subject to play testing may tweak the system some more prior release.

Once all the testing is done, module one v1.50E will be uploaded.

Module Two Specific

A side quest I started on a few weeks back took a slight turn in direction in the last few days, leading me to not only introduce a new monster, but another area too! Thankfully, I was able to find a version of the creature I had in mind on the Vault (not exactly as I first imagined, but it works well with the way the side-quest will work out now), and set about using a new crypt tileset to design the area I had in mind. Again, sorry about not going into spoiler details, but suffice to say, this is my current focus.

Previous to working on this area, I had continued to work on conversations for NPCs of a city the heroes will find themselves in, including eventual conversational links to the above side-quest. As I have stated in an earlier blog post, many of the way these side-quests work now is that they will (hopefully) appear as seamless objectives to cover as the players progress the main quest. It means conversations are more complicated to put together, especially when I am trying to avoid duplicated or superfluous conversation nodes, and am catering for a MP environment.

The Random Factor

Much of my latest coding (apart from addressing minor fixes in the campign files as a whole), is to try to introduce more random factors in a quest. I find this side of coding and gaming interesting for me not only as a builder, but as a player too. The kind of thing I mean is to introduce some quest elements that may slightly differ with each gameplay so even the builder does not know the answer, and makes it more interesting for me if I ever wanted to play my own module. I believe the elements I have already included in my first module are what encourage my wife to replay the module the many times she has done so already. Even the above quest has this kind of random element added to it ... or will have by the time it's finished.

The Murder Mystery

Much to my wife's delight, and hopefully to readers of this blog too, I have also included another murder mystery side quest that I started on a few weeks back. It is an extremely complicated piece of writing to get right, however, and so I am taking my time with it to ensure logical flow to be correct whichever way the player approaches the quest. This week's screenshot is with respect to that side-quest.

The bottom line is, I am continuing to write across a number of side-quests, and coding random elements in them to encourage replay.

The Captain Investigates A Murder Scene

Tuesday, 5 October 2021

Episode 53: Streamlining Gameplay

I have been slowly picking up the the pace again for module two as I rewrite some old scripts and conversations that were originally found in module one. I admit that this is not completely new material, in that the concepts are from the first module, but these are, however, new renditions of aspects of play that I hope will work better for players moving forward.For more information on what I am talking about, and other news, read on ...

The Sepia Images

I mentioned a few months back that I am starting to introduce the "sepia" image artwork into my modules as a DM information point, or, as I have now, a gaming aspect. Two such gameplay aspects that have now received this treatment (ignoring the informative area load screens), are the "Repair Bench" and the "Bookcase". Previously, players had to interact through some long-winded conversations and make some potentially confusing choices. Now, with the new artwork to support the actions taking place, I hope the player will be able to more easily accomplish what they are trying to do.

A) The Repair Bench

In the Althéa Campaign, some weapons are called "dead" weapons (as opposed to "living" ones), and can degrade over time. However, a PC with the correct skills can repair their weapons at one of these benches either for themselves or other party members. The beauty of the new interface is that managing this task is made much simpler. The moment a valid weapon is placed on the bench, the player is presented the new interface and options are simple. A repaired weapon in a matter of only a few clicks and a little cost in gold.

B) The Bookcase

Another gaming aspect to see a big improvement with ease of play is the bookcase. In the Althéa Campaign, a bookcase can often hide a valuable piece of written text for those who know what to look for. In the previous method to play this, a player had to switch between their PCs trying to work out which had the best chance of finding the text. Now, the player simply clicks through the shorter conversation lines and allows the game to put forward the PC most likely to find the treasure.

The bottom line is, these two conversations have been replaced with the new sepia image types, an immediate indication to the player on what to expect in play. Take a look at the two images I am going to use for these two gaming aspects below. Hopefully, as I add more gaming aspects, I will continue to apply this approach to any other gaming aspects where this will work. Furthermore, these new images and aspects of gameplay will be made backward focussed with v1.50E of module one too!

The Repair Bench Sepia Image Upon Usage

The Bookcase Sepia Image Upon Usage

Area Redesigns

As in previous weeks, I have continued to spend some time redesigning areas to work better with multi-player gaming. With my latest understanding of area load times, I have been able to reduce many of the loading times to around 10-20 seconds for module one, with only around 3-4 ranging up to a minute. Module two is probably the hardest for me to streamline, as it has some larger, more involved areas that cannot be broken down without losing the atmosphere and strengths their current designs use. However, even these I have reduced (when applying the latest knowledge), and I am hoping that the largest will not be any more than 60 seconds, much like the largest areas in module one. Furthermore, these areas are designed in such a way that when you are within them, there is a lot to do anyway. A reminder: these load times only affect MP games.

On the back of streamlining these load times, I also added a load screen timer to keep the players informed on the time remaining until loaded. It sits just below the hint comment and keeps the players updated with every second remaining, helping to alleviate the "what's happening" feeling. Check out the screenshot below .... This is from one of the largest load time areas and the seconds colour changes as it gets closer to finishing.

The New Style Load screen v1.50E With MP Area Load Timer

Module One v1.50E News

Multi-player testing has helped me find a number of minor issues with some areas of the code. They are mostly (if not all) "minor", but are a significant number to make a difference. And while quite a few are MP related only, some also address SP issues, such as a trigger not clearing down if a player approaches an area from a certain direction. It keeps forcing a conversation, which while not game-breaking is frustrating. Also, I have spent a lot of time reworking the conversations, including adding lip-flappers and animations. I had to rework them for the SP/MP shift anyway, and while I was at it, I fixed a number of typos and some logical flow. All this is being tested before the next release. As another example of a minor fix, I noticed an item in inventory would not be "compared" with a shop item if it had not yet been looked at itself. It was an extremely rare event, but did happen to me as I had equipped a sling and was now trying to compare at a store. Now, a warning comes in to say click on the shop item again and it updates. As far as any release date for this, it all depends upon how well the MP testing proceeds .. and then some more SP testing. Hopefully, I will have some more information in my next blog.

Module Two Specific

As far as module two specifically, I have continued to work on some large areas (on the back of the area redesigns), where some of the later quests take place. My next step is to redress all the module two conversations that require the SP/MP fix. I had hoped to have this done by now, but some of these conversations are very large (due to the number of quest variations) and I need to be at my most focussed when doing them. Hopefully, now I have experienced doing them for module one (which as only two left to do - and need doing prior v1.50E release), I will be more confident to manage the larger conversations of module two. I have also seen a couple of new puzzle designs that I like the look of, and am toying with including. However, they will involve XML coding, and I have to be in the right frame of mind for that too!

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Episode 52: MP Considerations! (v1.50E News!)

It's been an unusual couple of weeks since my last update; mostly due to play-testing the campaign in multiplayer mode (MP). It has been a long while since I have tested the code in this area, and I apologise to any players who may have been trying to play in a co-op game, as there were a few glitches that needed addressing, especially with some conversations and, in my opinion, some awful area loading times. Anyway, this week's blog is all about MP care and attention, and the up and coming v1.50E! Read on ...

MP Conversations

One of the first elements that builders have to consider in a MP game is when players may or may not be speaking to an NPC and if that conversation is relevant to all players as a plot conversation. After all, it can be boring for another player to sit and wait if there is quite an important story conversation going on elsewhere with another player. This is why we have MP conversations, which involve all players. However, problems arise when certain NPCs can be both vendors (or independent NPCs) and potentially involved in a story conversation as well. Designing a conversation to switch from one style of conversation to another (SP-MP) depending upon when the player speaks with them (and what stage of the plot we are at) can be quite involved.

Unfortunately, in some of the later module releases, I had updated the system to allow for this kind of MP interaction, but the logic was around the wrong way. It was prioritising MP conversation over SP ones, which meant whenever a player spoke to one of these types of NPCs with multiple potential conversation lines, then other players could be kicked out of what they were doing, for no reason! In latest testing, this quickly came to light and I have now reset this conversation to work the correct way. Thankfully, there are only a few of these in the first module, and can normally be navigated anyway. The latest update, however, removes unnecessary interruptions. Coming in v1.50E I have also added some gaming info in some lines so players will know if a line they are about to chose will start a MP link. See this week's screenshot. I will use my discretion as to when best to notify the player, as sometimes the MP link will be automatically done anyway.

MP Area Load Times

Another aspect that quickly came to light in latest MP testing was the (in my opinion) unreasonable load times for some areas. I also discovered some old database code that added to the confusion at times, and could cause even longer delays. The old code has now been either deleted or updated to work as intended, especially with the next modules, and I have taken time to try to improve area load times by taking a closer look at what was causing the delays. I have posted a summary of my findings and how best to prepare for MP area load times below. The calculations are still "work in progress", but are reasonable enough now to give an indication of area load times for MP games according to how many and what type of objects are in an area.

I decided to work along the lines of a maximum of 30s per area load if possible, by altering both my own scripts for area objects and transition objects, and alter area designs accordingly if they were not overly compromised by doing so. Some aspects, like the number of clients in a game, I could do nothing about, but overall, I like to think the alterations have been most beneficial. However, there may be one or two areas (I am still working on them at this stage of writing), which may take longer to load, as they are much bigger and by their nature hold more objects. But, in such circumstances, the slightly longer load times may not be so much of an issue, because they are designed in such a way that the players have no need to leave them again for some time. Therefore, the overall area load time versus the amount of time they spend there is worth the extra few seconds wait. My key aim with this exercise is to ensure areas that are often revisited do not take more than 30s if I can help it, and am aiming for less wherever possible. (NB: In a SP game, these take only a few seconds, around 4-6 only.)

Module Two

I know some may be disappointed at the lack of latest news regarding module two, but I hope you can see that these improvements to the MP environment in module one, also ensure module two goes smoothly. Admittedly, those who only play SP are less affected, but rest assured, when I sort this kind of thing out for a MP environment, the SP aspect also benefits. Also rest-assured that in most circumstances, SP gamers will not notice any difference to gameplay with these changes (apart from a very eagle-eyed player who can spot even the slightest change), as any more noticeable gameplay changes only affect the MP game due to the requirements the MP game needs different to a SP game.

Hopefully, in my next post, I will be able to bring you some extra news regarding the progress of module two. MP testing will be well underway by then, and normally, once past the starting line, things normally settle down, and allow me to get back to plot writing. One thing I will need to address in module two straight-away, are the conversations like these, and check out the area objects! Whatever happens, I will keep you posted.

v1.50E News!

On a final note, some of you may have noticed I have withdrawn module one (v1.41E) until MP testing is completed. You may also note that the version jumps from v1.41E straight to v1.50E. This is because v1.50E has had some changes that will not be backward compatible with v1.41E and below. Trying to ensure backward compatibility is extremely difficult when I am trying to move forward. Therefore, rather than spend too much time trying to accommodate earlier versions, I announced the potential issues and left it a couple of weeks before withdrawing the previous version. However, I hope the extra wait for the latest v1.50E will be worth it, as it comes along with a couple of exciting updates such as an (i) improved journal, (ii) fast map travel and (iii) lip syncing on NPCs, as well as a number of fixes that will benefit all, like one-use items that stay in the quick-slot upon buying or finding more.

Demonstrating The MP Conversation Link

Area Load Time Investigation Summary


In Summary, this is what I believe is worth considering when designing areas for a MP environment …


  1. Each creature in the party adds load time. (Remove summons etal before transitioning.)
  2. Each client adds load time. (Around 2-3s and is unavoidable.)
  3. Area enter scripts add little time, but no more than a second or two. (Irrelevant.)


  1. Each creature already in an area can add a fair amount of time for a MP load. (0.25s each approx.)
  2. Placeables with dynamic content creation may also add more time for a MP game.
  3. Any objects created in an area (via scripting) add towards the total load time. (Remove prior leaving.)
  4. Next, VFX are more time consuming than most other area objects because of the number used.

The bottom line is really the number of objects(*) in an area affects the MP load time, including any dynamically created during loading. Therefore, be sure to only create objects after the On Client has finished loading and be sure to remove them before exiting an area (and recreate again at next entry if still required).

(*) The objects that appear to do so more than any other are: creatures, VFXs, and placeables with contents. In testing, environmental objects appeared to have little impact, even when running into thousands as in Tsongo’s area.

SP games are much more forgiving and compared to MP environments can probably be ignored by comparison. However, as a guideline, I would offer these figures and guidance for MP area creation to best minimise load times for MP games to under 30 s.

  1. Spawn constant area creatures after On Client load finishes and despawn on area exit transition.
  2. If many, do the same with utility placeable objects, such as “weather units” in my own module.
  3. Keep VFX to under 120. Keep inventory placeables under 40. (Non-scripted appear little impact.)

Doors, sound and light objects also appear to have a very small impact, but not enough to worry about unless you use a lot of them. Just compare your overall usage when considering these objects with relation to other objects used. For instance, if you do not use any VFX, then you can get away with a lot more sounds and light objects.

From following these steps, I reduced one area MP load time from 78s to 30s!

MP Load Time Guesstimate Formula

BASE: (# Player connected x 2.5 + # Additional Party Members (inc associates) x 1)
AREA: (# Creatures x 0.25) + (# Doors x 0.06) + ((#Sounds + #VFX) x 0.08) + (# Lights x 0.04)
VARIANCE: (#Placeables x 0.06 - 0.25 Subject to scripts attached.)


EG: My Area (With Host Only):

HOST: 2.5s + My Entry Scripts (2s) = 4.5s

  • Area Creature Objects (15x0.25) = 3.75s (*)
  • Area Door Objects (17x0.06) = 1.02s
  • Area Sound+VFX Objects (120x0.08) = 9.6s (**)
  • Area Light Objects (55x0.04) = 2.2s
  • Placeables (Lowest = 34 x 0.06 = 2.04 TO Highest = 34 x 0.25 = 8.5) (***)

( * ) Using default scripts may lower this value.
( ** ) Actual VFX used in area will alter this slightly.
( *** ) Use lower value where no scripts or inventory used.

MP TOTAL LOAD TIME = 21.07s + (2.04 - 8.5s) or 23.11s - 29.57s

In practice, this example area loads in around 24s with just the host.

CAVEAT: Testing is by no means complete and these figures may be subject to further changes.

That’s as far as I have tested for now, but may add more info as time goes by. Again, my thanks goes to KevL and Tsongo for helping look at this with me. 

UPDATE: Script with latest timings .... These are seconds allocated per area object:

float fDOORS = 0.11;     // DOORS
float fVFX = 0.05;       // VISUAL EFFECTS			
float fLIGHTS = 0.1;     // LIGHTS

Monday, 30 August 2021

Episode 51: Fast Area Map Travel

This is probably a silly question being asked here, but have you ever played the likes of Baldur's Gate (or more recently, Pillars of Eternity) and noticed the "map travel" facility that these games use? I am speaking about the way you can click on a location on a map and the heroes travel to that point. I bring it up now, as a player of my first module recently requested if I could include something like it in my next module. Thankfully, after some playing around, I believe I have achieved something that works just as well, and may even have an added benefit! I am even hoping to have it for module one, from v1.50E onwards! Read on for more info ... (Video demo further down page.)

Waypoints Travel

I took the premise that the main reason players liked to be able to click on a map directly to travel, was normally after they had explored it more slowly the first time it was encountered. This meant that by the time a player had explored an area, there were advantages to be able to click on the map to effectively travel faster to a known location without having to direct the movement by piecemeal environment clicks.

Therefore, with this in mind, I recognised that the only other hurdle to consider (for me at any rate) was to ensure no further gaming aspects could be broken by any system I devised. i.e. A system that simply jumped PCs across areas should be avoided, as such jumping could also jump over a builder's vital event trigger! NB: I do use such "jump" systems when I know they can be employed safely, and do so in a large outdoor area in my first module. However, the system I wanted to add was one that could help alleviate the constant mouse-click update within the gaming environment that would not compromise the game in any other way.

The answer was to become more reliant on waypoints; the small markers builders use to annotate an area map to give locations to the player. With such markers in place, and as long as a recognised format was employed, I could then setup a means to allow players to select the waypoints to which they could speed travel for their PCs to run towards.

Waypoint Format Matters

For the design I had in mind, the way I was to setup existing waypoints now mattered more than before. The game engine relies on many waypoints for various reasons, and now I wanted to add some of my own design into the mix. I also took the opportunity to allow different types (colour to represent transitions for example) to list similar groups together. So, as it turned out, general waypoints (for buildings) were given a green background, transitions a blue, and players own waypoints, a red background.

To clarify, yes you read that correctly. For those that may not yet be familiar with my area map system, players can annotate the area maps themselves. If they choose to do so, then their map pins will also show on the area map with a name label of their choosing.

Fail-safe Travelling

Pathfinding has never been great in the NWN games, and so I have taken steps to help alleviate any PCs getting stuck during their travels. However, this area of coding may change (improve) as time goes by. For now, however, I can report that testing to date has shown all destinations were reached, even in quite crowded locations. I have not yet tested all areas and conditions though. As a further aid, I have also effectively "doubled" the PCs default speed while travelling this way, so that areas are crossed that more quickly when using the system.

The system is also designed to break out of fast travelling should the party encounter a hostile or start a conversation. It can also manually be stopped by switching PCs while moving or simply closing the map (or related waypoint list). The system also stops if the PC encounters a door or gate that requires opening. As a small consequence of using the faster travel system, however, is that searches of nearby secrets and hidden objects will be ignored, as if the PCs were simply making all haste to return to a destination, without any concern for searching.

The Scroll Area Map Fast Travel System

Module Two Other News

Although slightly distracted by adding the fast way point system (which benefits all modules from v1.50E onwards), I have still been able to do some work in module two. It mostly involves new conversations, but recently involved a new creature too. (The creature is already available at the Vault, but it is "new" as far as an inclusion within my own campaign.) However, it was while working on this new creature that I discovered a few more minor issues with module one that also demanded my attention. 

My wife is currently testing some final alterations in her latest play through, but when the time comes, the next upload of module one (v1.50E) will have a large number of changes that require me to point out that earlier versions are no longer directly compatible. By that, I mean earlier versions will still play if updated using the latest campaign files, but are not fully supported, meaning latest updates such as the area map travel system will not work unless the module being played is also v1.50E or above. (NB: Replacing a module folder mid-game is NOT recommended. Better to restart the module completely.)

Another aspect that is not fully "compatible" is the new journal "By Group" option, which was another new design concept originally aimed at module two, but will be made backward compatible for module one v1.50E onwards. This new journal sort option basically now sorts journal entries by colour groups: Main Quests (green); sandy brown (essential side quests); pale green (non-essential side quests); blue (missions of mercy quests), and orange (gaming information). Furthermore, the old "Recommended" option has now been replaced with a new "By Order" option. The distinction being that the order is still a recommendation, but with more of a priority weighting. It's subtle.

I cannot stress how much I am looking forward to bringing you Predestinated Days! I have so many new different aspects of gameplay, that I am beginning to recognise the scale of this project. The new alterations to module one are just some of those that leak through.

As a final note, v1.50E also addresses some minor points that needed fixing in earlier versions, and now also takes extra care with respect to plot items when players may use the Party Gen GUI in a way I had not first considered.

Monday, 16 August 2021

Episode 50: A cRPG About 3rd Edition PnP D&D!

Those who have known me for some time will know that my RPG interest stems from a PnP (pen and paper) AD&D background. For me, NWN2 offered the best way to get AD&D PnP scenarios into a cRPG environment. Importantly, it offers an excellent interface that allows individual companion possession as well as encouraging multiple players to team up and play a game together. For my own campaign, there was still a lot of work for me to do with respect to improving the MP coop environment, but at least the core program was flexible enough to allow me to transfer from one medium to another. Over the years I have been doing this I have noticed other builders use NWN2 from quite a different angle. My observations follow ...


Turn-Based Combat System

When I first started designing The Scroll, (using NWN1 at the time) my initial modules were created around a completely unique true turn-based combat system that I spent a long time coding within the NWN1 environment. It involved individual players controlling their own mannequin, which in turn controlled every PC they owned. Through this system, as DM, I was able to control the combat in a true turn-based system, which allowed DM and players alike to take turns according to when the next creature's initiative came along. Of course, when NWN2 came along, which allowed the instant switching between PCs for players, the mannequin concept I had developed could take a back seat if we were prepared to play a pseudo-turn-based system: where all players and DM (or AI) assigned their actions at the same time for the up and coming combat round. To me, the newer NWN2 approach offered greater benefits for us, not only as it meant I would not have to edit every spell to work in a true turn-based system, but it reflected a more "real" response in a combat round. (The spell editing was something I had started with NWN1, but stopped when the decision was made to switch to NWN2 when it came along.) Another benefit of moving to NWN2 was that it meant I could create the campaign for a larger audience, now allowing the new turn-based system to be merely an option for any new players that may like to play my campaign using tactical turn-based combat.

As the years have passed, however, I have seen less and less interest in some of these key elements of gameplay of which I hope to cover here: tactical turn-based combat being near the top of what appears to me a wave of "old ways rejection". I hasten to add this is not the case for myself or my own players, as we still very much like to play a combat using a character by character assignment in every encounter! However, I think there are other elements of which I hope to cover below, which have also taken a hit to inclusions due to changes in attitudes. I will approach these as I believe they have impacted the gameplay.

Resources: Rest and Recovery

Much of what governed the way a D&D module played in the PnP days was as much about good player management of their player character (PC) resources as anything else. Timelines, equipment, spell uses and hit points all mattered! I know there may be those who would argue they still do, or maybe there are others that will argue they are glad that such aspects of play no longer matter. My argument, however, is that while I am quite keen to see changes to mechanics that add interesting elements of gameplay, I am saddened when (in my opinion) elements are broken, or simply removed altogether. To me, it matters because such changes also break some of the key gaming aspects of a role-playing-game (RPG), especially with respect to the spirit of a D&D module.

Even the official NWN2 campaign suffered from this when players are allowed to rest almost at any time and anywhere. A simple pressing of the "R" key to rest and most (normally all) ailments, hit-points and spells are fully recovered. It becomes such a farce that it begs the argument of even having any "usage" for such recovered elements of play at all! Furthermore, once these kind of resources "no longer matter", such things as tactical combat (pause and assign commands) becomes meaningless, as we may as well use all our best resources against any foe because the moment the fight is over, we can just recover everything! It's no wonder that players today do not appreciate the more tactical side of playing a D&D combat. Basically, it has changed from players carefully considering their "limited" options to ensure they progress both in story and character as a team effort, to one of a fast solitary mega-build to compare their PC builds to their fellow players. Just look at the way coop games have declined over the years. I am referring to true D&D party coop and not large MP worlds.

The Timeline

The alteration of or even complete omission of a timeline also has damaging repercussions, albeit more subtle than that mentioned above. For while "free resting" is an obvious abuse of a timeline, it is made worse if left out altogether. When playing an RPG, events are occurring, and normally within a time frame. At the very least, even if no actual calendar is used, the world should reflect changes in light from night and day, even if scripted to do so if not through actual time passing. Otherwise, again, the player is no longer thinking about the resource of time and how that may have an impact on what they need to achieve. 

Basically,  the more we remove aspects like the importance of time and resource management, we are moving away from the RPG and into the realm of an "adventure game". There is nothing wrong with an adventure game, for I have played many and still enjoy them now. My point is, however, as the years have passed, I have noticed builders, even of AAA "RPGs" steer away from these traditional core RPG gaming elements.

Suspended Realities: Items & Encumbrance

I believe there is a difference between a fantasy game that considers resource management and one that does not. I have already mentioned the effects of some of the more obvious resource management issues to do with combat, but there are others that I would like to mention here too, such as encumbrance. Once again, I know the arguments used with such a game mechanic, but to ignore it completely (or even partially) can (in my opinion) imbalance a game. If you allow any PC to carry any amount of equipment (including gold), then one of the benefits of having strength among the PCs becomes less of an importance. The point I am trying to make, however, is that when too many aspects of gameplay mechanics are ignored, then we move away from the player even considering what they carry. Anything and everything becomes a viable item for the pack-rat that such a system encourages, leaving any items of importance just another bauble in the avalanche of "prizes". Personally, I believe the game is already over-generous with the strength allowances it gives. My preference, however, is to encourage an environment that gives value to finding a bag of holding or at the very least has players recognise the carrying capacity of a low strength PC. This is why to this end, I ensure gold does weigh something in my campaign.

The Economy

This brings us nicely to the economy of a world. I am the first to admit that balancing such is no easy task, but a clear game-breaker for any resource considering world has to be how common certain items are found in a world. I understand that certain items are necessary to help a world move along, but the value of a fantastic item is truly lost if every other vendor carries the next best thing.


I was going to consider some other aspects of gameplay that reflect a spirit of D&D, but I believe if the core concept of managing resources is understood as a vital distinguishing mark, then other aspects such as archetypal classes and NPC interaction also fall into place. I hope I am not alone in my observations, and that others also would like to reclaim some of those elements that have fallen by the wayside with time. Or perhaps I and others like me, are now a dying breed. Maybe the RPG has moved on to those who have better dexterity (for real), and don't really want to know about role-playing an avatar in a world where tactical choices beyond a bigger and better sword or spell matter, as long as they can beat the next creature that comes along and grab its massive horde. Please understand that this is NOT a complaint about any specific choice or style of play, but at worst, a lament for a kind of "depth" to a game that appears to be no longer in fashion. What about you?


For those interested, Predestinated Days will be written and designed in a style as close to PnP 3.5E AD&D rules as I can achieve, with some of my own additional mechanics that reflect the current world setup and main plot. This means you will need to consider resource management, and have the option to switch to turn-based combat if you need to, to help manage your resources. You will have to consider what PCs you have in your party to help manage all those situations you may find yourself in, but will also have the flexibility to adapt to the situation with any PC if you take time to learn about the world. You will face different creatures with different backgrounds and goals. You will come across difficult locks that only the best at lock picking can crack. You will also encounter puzzles to test your mental agility, and characters ready to test your moral fibre. Think D&D with an AI DM at the helm, as you will not simply be able to kill your way through the game.

But, you will not be left without the means to succeed. You can only fail if you lack the ability to manage a party of PCs both carefully and wisely. It's not a casual game, although you can certainly make it a lot easier by dropping the game options where I have taken care to allow easier foe and puzzles, but even with such adjustments, the player NEEDS to make careful decisions. It's a true traditional D&D game (as close as I could make it), based on a PnP campaign, including some of the original paper written dungeons, that will have you having to stop and think at times. If you have ever played PnP D&D, then I hope you know what I mean ... otherwise, unless you like a challenge beyond input device twitches, then maybe it won't be for you. ;)

Below is an original image of a city called Southstrong from my PnP campaign, of which some areas will be used in Predestinated Days. The two images below the map show a tavern from that city, and a thief attempting to pick a lock. (GUI improved from the first module to work on chests now.) NB: The option to switch to a NWN style pick lock is also available on the GUI.

Original Pen And Paper Map Drawing of Southstrong

A Tavern Within The City of Southstrong

Chest Demonstrating the Lockpick GUI



Saturday, 31 July 2021

Episode 49: Traditionally Different. (PnP Conversion.)

It always seems to happen: Just when I think I have all the areas I need, or think I know what remains, another area requirement arises! It all started when I was looking at adding a couple of small scenarios to do with a city the PCs will find themselves travelling to. I had my core storyline ready, but the city was not quite spacious enough to cater for the two old PnP conversions I wanted to add. Read on below ...

Pen and Paper (PnP) Conversions

I have some PnP modules that I wrote over 20 years ago, which I have always wanted to preserve by including them in my NWN2 campaign. Strictly speaking, these modules have already been "played" in the timeline where the player can first encounter my campaign in NWN, but because these modules are so far in the past for the campaign (and especially my players' memories), I can add a little poetic licence and repurpose them in this latest module. The modules original location, (the city of Southstrong), and plots (one an undead mystery and another a murder case) will remain relatively unchanged, but will be modernized to be included within NWN2. 

To this end, I recognised that I needed to add another outside area. To save time I managed to find an official  NWN2 area that with some tweaking fitted my purposes well. (I will keep it secret and see if anyone recognises it at the time.) A couple of this weeks screenshots show some of the new parts. Of course, the issue now, however, is that now that I have made a new outdoor area, it's going to require some new interiors too. I reckon it will be worth the extra time though! It's been great reading over old notes and trying to see how I can integrate them into the module with improvements. Most of all, I hope they will be fun for a new and larger audience too.

Reworked Scripts

As I am currently working with city environments, it means I have been able to take another look at some of my very earliest scripts that are used when players interact with NPCs that duplicate some of the things I have already coded. Again, I find myself improving some of these old scripts to be able to better cater for the gaming environment. A simple example is when catering for a bard who may wish to perform at a tavern to earn a few gold coins. In my first module, the player had to manually switch between PCs to reach the bard to make the request to perform. Now, as long as the player has a bard in the party, the option will become available. This appears a minor detail, but has a knock-on effect, as it means I can now use a cutscene conversation style with the conversation in question, which in turn, means I can switch from a MP cutscene to a SP one seamlessly. This is a great improvement to the conversation style that helps accommodate both a SP and MP environment when a conversation needs to be seen by all players, but only for some aspects of that conversation.

New Objects

To go along with the new areas, I have also found myself designing new signs and notices, based upon great work already in the community, including that done by RDS and Topoun. The signs and notices are my first steps towards my PnP conversion. So, alongside new NPCs and areas, replete with their own new adventures, all I can really say without giving too much away at this stage, is that I have (at last) started to fill a large section that fell between two sections I had already made large headways into. Admittedly, I still have many areas that have been started with work remaining, but completely untouched areas are becoming fewer, and the plot lines are starting to bind together at last. It is a satisfying feeling and one that arguably suggests the beginning of the end is in sight. But, I don't want to get ahead of myself, as there is still much left to do. I just wanted to share my latest projection with you.

Bloodstone College

Something Has Broken Out!

Southstrong Market -  Demonstrating NPC Detection Facility

Tuesday, 20 July 2021

Episode 48: Tell Me About Yourself! (PC Backgrounds.)

Predestinated Days is intending to offer more conversation options to the player subject to the various backgrounds that they allocate to their PC and companions or other created PCs. Furthermore, as I wanted to support exported PCs from other games, as much as my own first module, allowing the player to add a PC background retrospectively was important to me, so that's what I did. Read on for more details and other news ...

PC Backgrounds

One of the big areas I have been dealing with over the last week or so is building a GUI to allow players to quickly and easily work with a PC's background. Normally, this is a "feat" option that is only allowed for Created PCs from the start of play. I believe a builder could also pre-allocate a background "feat" personality for potential companions, but unless this has been done, then this "free" feat, which generally comes with pros and cons for taking it, is often not used. However, with the new GUI, a player need only right-click on their character sheet portrait and an option to add any missing background can be achieved. (See this week's screenshot below.)

In this case, I believe having a PC background to be a very useful aspect of play that both players and builders can put to good use, especially when role-playing a particular PC within conversations. For while we all generally like to play our PCs certain ways, having some background guidance can go a long way to help steer this gameplay. Take for example a PC who is a bit of a "flirt" compared to one who is more of a "bully"; they would tend to approach a conversation rather differently to one another. Therefore, while it is important for the builder to be able to provide a useful selection of options, having some stereo-typical background types can also help us to add "colour" the conversations too.

There is an argument that this may make our PCs appear rather two-dimensional, and I do understand that. However, compared to every conversation otherwise speaking with "one voice", then having a few core background types options thrown into the mix cannot help but make the conversations a little more interesting. To this end, I looked at the backgrounds and decided to set aside five core groups, of which the fourteen character types we have available to us fit within. Look at the following table ...

PC Background Types

A table showing how the fourteen background options split across the five core groups.

NB: There is an ERROR in this table. COMPITENT (sic) should be CONFIDANT.

How The Backgrounds Fit Into A Specific Group

When a player comes to play Predestinated Days, I am hoping they might select a PC background for each of the PCs they play, with at least one coming from each major group. If they do this, then when it comes to actual conversation gameplay, the player should end up with one or two different options that better reflect their PC background choice. Furthermore, and to encourage such play, I give an additional XP award every time a potential role-play option is opened, irrespective of which conversation line the player ends up taking. And now, with the new GUI, even adding a PC background that previously had not one added for one reason or another, can simply add one.

Writing the conversations and taking extra care to ensure I can include some better background type choices certainly takes more time, but I hope the end result will add some more gaming depth and personal role-play for the player. So while not every conversation will have these extra lines, I hope to include them in many, especially the more important story related ones.

PC Portrait GUI

On the back of adding a new Background GUI, I also looked into the existing portrait XML, from which the new Background GUI is associated. I found a really odd unintuitive setup for selecting a new portrait, and it was clumsy to use, and so I edited that to make the whole portrait selection much more user friendly for those that like to change their portraits for their PCs.

I was also able to write a new XML that allows builders to force update a portrait on a PC for any reason. I did this after andgalf (of the NWN forums) requested such, and as I was in that area of coding and it was something I also was looking into doing, I just went ahead and did it. The end result worked for andgalf's purposes, but it did not yet do what I was after due to requiring an XML file for every portrait. At the least, it may come in useful at a later time.

World Map Travel

I also spent some more time finishing off some world map code, especially the area of code that calculated map travel speed and related times. I wanted to give the player a "real time" feedback of passing time as they travelled the overland map. This is done now and works well enough for my liking. Furthermore, as Predestinated Days intends to use all three world map systems, arranging all the various waypoint types (WP) depending on the system the player wanted to use was a task. For example, in some places a player may choose to use a MAP and jump to a location on the map, or choose to travel overland instead. Two jump types for two different scenarios. Add to this a potential portal jump option and keeping track of WPs becomes tricky, as much to ensure overland map GUIs are on or off as much as anything else.

The First Day Updates

Updates to the first module of The Scroll campaign will now be referred to as updates to The First Day, which is the proper working title for the first module. To clarify, I may still refer to my modules as The Scroll in general, as that is the campaign name, but each of the three module of which it comprises each have their own name.

Anyway, module one, The First Day, continues to benefit from general campaign improvements, including updates to the weather system (clouds are randomly scattered now subject to weather condition); a couple of open door conversations have been made more "secure" to avoid overzealous clicking by players. All these updates, as well as others mentioned in previous posts will become available in the next v1.41E release, so be sure to download it. There will also be a new module release, as mentioned in previous posts, but will also benefit from other updates of late, including some waypoint colour changes for ease of locating. E.g Exits in cyan; important point in yellow.

Once my wife has finished her latest play through, I will likely upload v1.41E then, unless there are any other alterations I want testing prior to another release.

Missing PC Backgrounds Can Now Be Added During Play!

Monday, 12 July 2021

Episode 47: Overland and World Maps!

I continue to chip away at the second module, Predestinated Days, of The Scroll campaign. This time around I have been sorting the World Map and all the links that will be available from it. The last time I looked at any of this code was probably around 2009, when I pieced together the code that would allow the player to examine maps in module one (but without travel), and in preparation for this latest module I am currently working on. In the last couple of weeks, those maps (and associated code) have been dusted off and looked at once again. Read on for the latest news ...

The World Map

This section of my campaign goes back many years, and I have a video of when I first started working with them as long ago as 2007. If you want to look at some of my first ever playing around with them, you can check out this video where I was pleased to have managed to code "map within map" change overs! (If you have played the first module, you may have seen this already.) Predestinated Days, however, will be the first module of my campaign series that will make use of them proper. I have "improved" the process since that time: the main difference being I now use the later (expansion 2) style map for normal travel and keep this original style world map for Nexus Travel.

Like most of my earlier code, I had to rewrite some of it, as it did not work as well as I required for module two. I have become more familiar with the functions since those early days, and had some newer requirements too. One observation I would like to point out for all would-be map builders, is to make sure you change the default 0 x 0 icon size, which (obviously) will not appear on your map when called via code, even after placement, as it is simply too small. I now use 16 x 16 for icon size. In my latest return to World Map usage I did not immediately notice this and so thought there was something wrong elsewhere. Once I had spotted the difference in this aspect, by comparing icons properties I had placed this time around from those years ago, things were sorted.

The Overland Map

As many NWN2 players/builders will know, the way the "world map" is presented has changed with each expansion. In the original campaign, it was a basic map interface (like the one shown in the video link above); in the first expansion, the world map interface came along with additional info, along the lines of my edited version in the image below. By the time we had the second expansion, we were now presented with an "overland map" style, where the party was represented by the leader who the player controlled over the "map" itself.

In Predestinated Days, I am aiming to implement all three systems in one way or another. To this end, an overland map has already been built and is in the process of being tested, which denotes the first areas of world that the PCs adventure in. In The Scroll, the idea is that the overland map acts as a "zoomed in" section of the actual world map, which becomes more effective later, as the PCs get to know the world better. However, to allow diversity of play, I have also allowed players to start using the static "World Map" as an option from quite early on too if they prefer to avoid the overland map style.

I had to spend some time going over the format I had setup with respect to how the map pins associated with their WP counterparts, but eventually worked out a solution that now supports the various world map policies in place. Whether the player chooses to explore the overland map or simply click on a world destination via a static map, all transitions now work as they should.

Food Rations

One of those side issues that came to light when working with world maps was the use of food rations. There was nothing fundamentally wrong, as the food count went down as expected, and apart from fixing a small "hunger" bug, the food count worked as expected. The problem was more to do with purchasing them for travel. At is currently worked, food rations could only be bought one ration at a time, which is fine if you are staying within the local vicinity. However, as travelling now involved much farther regions, I had to up the ration count that could be purchased to ten at a time to prevent the player having to spend minutes purchasing sufficient rations for an entire party. As a side benefit, it offers a discount for bulk buying. Remember, however, if a party has a cleric who can pray for Create Food, then no ration purchases are required.

Other Updates

My wife and I continue to play test module one, testing the latest changes and looking out for any new issues that may arise because of them. A few minor issues were found and addressed:-

i) Sleep animations were re-timed to ensure the player does not see the NPC fall to sleep.

ii) Crafting was fixed to ensure correct gold bags remained and essences used.

iii) An EffectListOverFlow was fixed related to the encumbrance icon on PCs.

iv) An ActionListOverFlow was fixed on relocated NPCs who used walkwaypoints.

As previous, once my wife has finished her latest play testing, v1.41E will be uploaded, which addresses any issues that were present in earlier versions. NB: Not all reported issues may be present due to changes made since last release.

NOTE: The following images have changed since being taken and have spoilers removed.

Viewing World Map In The Toolset 

Viewing World Map In The Game

A New Place - A New Role!

Saturday, 3 July 2021

Episode 46: The Easy Option! (Puzzle Auto Solve)

It's been a difficult couple of weeks for my module creation. Just as I thought I was about to do something straightforward, instead, I found myself travelling a long way down a rabbit hole without meeting anything cute! That's the nature of the beast when it comes to coding sometimes; even though I thought I had put this section of coding behind me! For the latest module two updates, please read on ...

Sorting Items On Entry

I am going to keep this as brief as possible, but need to report it for prosperity and a reminder to myself and others about an issue with the function GetObjectByTag. Basically, when a PC enters a module, any items they are carrying are not correctly picked up as valid objects by this function in a game until after the game has been saved and loaded again. I had a situation where I wanted to locate a single item within the new module, which is normally denoted by a unique tag. However, prior to this, I had stripped PCs of items that may have the same tag. The problem was, even though the items were stripped and destroyed, the function still detected them. My thanks goes to KevL for suggesting a quick fix to change the tag prior destruction, thereafter meaning any object falsely returning valid would at least not be found due to the altered tag.

However, on the back of diagnosing this "fault" with the function, I observed that it would also return other items valid, which were not actually present in the module: Those that were on creature blueprints associated with encounter triggers! While this may not be a huge problem if we carefully consider item possession, the very fact that items are still returned valid, but without a valid owner or location, can be confusing. I had two scripts that did module wide searches for tagged items, which would have also returned any items carried on creatures that at this stage had not even been spawned into the game!

Resolving the latter issue was reasonably straightforward: I simply rewrote the scripts to avoid returning items that had invalid locations and owners. However, the first issue was the rabbit hole that had many paths! My initial fix was to force a save and reload if required. However, as I allow players to import PCs with equipment, this was almost certainly going to happen for any new module I make. The solution worked, but I did not like the impact on gameplay or the player, so I decided to rewrite the code to bypass this need ... This, however, meant having to check every item on every PC of every player that entered the module at any time. This was further complicated by the fact I allow special containers that help with inventory control when finding certain items. E.g. Gems automatically get placed into a gem bag. I also remove invalid or duplicated items from potentially various PC types. Bottom line, I eventually resolved it, but it took me a lot longer than I thought it would. Hopefully, it is behind me again now, and after testing some MP aspects, I will consider this done and ready for v1.41E. Although it won't be fully utilised until my second module is released.

Faction Code Slimlining

Another issue from recent weeks has been surrounding creature factions. During another play-test, my wife observed one other potential faction issue: If Frank (at the barn) becomes damaged during the fight with the first two ants that appear, he can turn hostile to the party. Ideally, the heroes should beat the ants before Frank sees them. However, if the party are pushed back or the ants break through, Frank can become involved and things go awry. The problem was resolved by reloading the game and doing the fight again, avoiding Frank, but I wanted a permanent solution. To this end, I went through much of the creature spawning and faction initialisation code, replacing some older ANTIPARTY faction changes to simply HOSTILE. This maintains clearer faction distinction, which should avoid any such potential issues moving forward. The ANTIPARTY faction was designed and should be reserved for when the PCs attack something they should not in front of non HOSTILES. A rare and unlikely situation.

Lava Chamber Walk Mesh

Unfortunately, I spotted a bad walk mesh for the Lava Cavern in the first module, which required the movement of some creatures and a re-bake of the area. As it currently stands in v1.40E, the creature that is supposed to turn hostile is stuck in a position that prevents it from doing so. This is now fixed, as well as some other minor issues with the area, which will be available in v1.41E. Fortunately, it's a non-critical area and one that 90% of players would probably not find anyway, due to its difficult access.

Other Minor Updates

While working on module two, I noticed some other minor points that needed addressing, including fixing a seated talk animation and some timings for message feedback. All cosmetic, and again, will come along in v1.41E for module one as well.

But, I have been making other progress too ... I have been adding an extra puzzle button to allow an AUTO SOLVE for players who really do not want to do any puzzles. I have a few different coded puzzles in the game, which players are encouraged to solve to move the game forward. Most allow for alternative play to circumvent the puzzle by using specific tools with them if the player prefers to avoid them. However, a handful did require the player to solve the puzzle themselves as a game mechanic. One of these puzzles has now had an AUTO SOLVE button added, but only when the player sets their game settings to below D&D CORE RULES setting, and only then if someone in their party meets the feat or intelligence ability requirement. Furthermore, using this new option does not reward the player's PC with XP, but does allow the plot to move forward when necessary.

There is one other puzzle that I hope to add this option to, but all other puzzles will remain unaltered as they can either be solved using other means (tool items or Life Essences) or are not plot critical, so the player does not have to do them anyway. This week's screenshot shows the new button (when available) for one of the updated puzzles.

New Auto Solve Button When Game Settings Lowered

... And The Other Puzzle With New Auto Solve Button!