Campaign Manual
I have also decided to put together a brief manual for the campaign to help prepare players for their gaming experience with Better The Demon. This is because there are enough differences in the normal NWN style of play to warrant some background information for the player. The "serious" gameplay approach that the game presents will be explained as well as other more common playing elements like death and crafting. All such elements have undergone changes and the player will be left somewhat bemused as to what is happening if I do not give them some sort of manual with which to refer. At the moment, however, the manual is nothing more than a few rough notes jotted down in my paper notebook.
Crafting With The Greater Essences
Talking of crafting, I did write a few more pages to the new crafting recipe book that details crafting using the greater essences. I know this book will serve little purpose in the initial module (as it requires the PC to be at least 8th level to use - which is still 4 levels lower than the OC anyway), but I did want the book to be available from module one, so that the player can start to plan their crafting of items ahead of time. I know most readers like to see screenshots, so here are a few of some of the opening pages to, hopefully, whet your appetite: (I am aware of the typo on the 4th page. There may be others that will be addressed in time.)

Nothing wrong with giving the player an out of character ingame reference if you're doing things much different than stock. Saves people from having to tab back and forth to a web browser to get the info.
My next work is going to be giving the players an out of character dictionary for Crimman thieves cant as they'll be speaking in cant with other thieves. Hopefully I'll be able to keep things such that players get it, but the reference will give them a backup.
Hi Kamal,
I will give some ingame rule updates as well, but I do think the campaign will need a manual.
I like the sound of your own cany idea. Sounds interesting ...
Thanks for the link, hopefully I'll start getting some feedback on how the community likes the fog in Risen Hero.
The manual is a good idea. With the bit of changes I made it was difficult to pass on that information to the player and you have made a massive amount of custom content and gui changes. I think the players will appraciate and benifit having a manual.
Hi Shaughn,
I thought that a manual may help the player adjust to the changes easier. We'll see how it goes.
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