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Friday, 4 June 2010

Celebrations & Frustrations!


Nothing to report this week as it was my wife's 40th birthday and she has the week off, which meant spending time with her. I had hoped to do a little towards the project in the last couple of days, but once again I have had to spend what little time I have writing a letter to the FOS to complain about the way my company's Health Insurance people have rejected my claim for having to give up work due to ill-health.

*** RANT START ***

Would you believe they are trying to say that because I write a blog once a week (what you read now), that it as an indication of my health being good enough to do the duties I did when I worked: drive around in a car and get under desks to repair computers 32 hours a week! The irony is, I even told them that I wrote a blog and work on this module at the time of the claim, knowing full well this had nothing to do with the problems I struggle with when working.

I am, of course, hoping the FOS will see through the facade that this company (who will remain nameless) are putting forward as a excuse not to pay up and vote in my favour. It has been two and a half years now since I first put forward a claim for loss of earnings and I really want this to come to an end.

Get this: I spent more time writing the letter to the FOS than I do normally on my module. That puts this into perspective of just how much I manage to do normally. You guys know how long this thing is taking me and the problems I have had in the past (if you read regularly). It's just insulting to compare what I do now in my time with what I had to do for work.

*** RANT END ***

Hopefully, normal module work will resume next week.


EC said...

Incredible that they are using your blog writing as an excuse. Yeah, of course, writing a 500 word blog entry is exactly like working a full work week... Weak.

Lance Botelle (Bard of Althéa) said...

Hi E.C. Patterson,

Thanks for your support. :)

Furthermore, even if they took the maximum number of posts I ever did in a week and compared it to how many I did when I was at work, it can be seen that the amount I have done remains unchanged. In other words, as I previously stated to the insurance company, my module/blog work cannot be associated with normal work. They are two distinct practices. The writing being very much my form of relaxation when I can.
