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Thursday 7 December 2023

Episode 80: Preliminary Stage One Alpha Testing!

My wife has, at last, had the opportunity to do some first ever alpha testing on the second module, Predestinated Days. It's only some very basic testing at the moment, such as party module-to-module transfers and checking the overland map features, but it's a start. Also, I'll mention now, the next blog post will not be until February! It's nothing to do with the time of year, but simply a case that I find myself being offline in January. In the meantime, if you want to catch up with this month's progress, a couple of screenshots, and other latest campaign news, read on.

Preliminary Stage One Alpha

I don't want to get ahead of myself, nor mislead readers... so, to be clear, this is really only the very first stages of testing. It is using the latest build of the second module, but even that build has not yet been completed enough for continued Stage One testing. In other words, this was mainly about checking if the PC (and party) transferred from the first module worked, and if the Overland Map that the player first enters played as expected. As it happens, even this early preliminary testing highlighted some issues that I needed to address:

1) TRANSFERRED PCs NOT EQUIPPED: The second module can be started in one of two ways: (a) Continued play direct from the first module, or (b) Started afresh from the opening menu options. The latter method also allows the player to import various PCs from any other PCs they may have finished playing and exported from the first module. So, it's possible to create quite a mix of PCs from various end games of the first module. This meant having to ensure certain items could maintain their variables if brought in from an exported PC. (This second method of starting the game, where the player starts in a lobby, a room of the Bloated Buckle Inn, has yet to be alpha tested.)

With respect to continuing direct from the first module, the first issue I encountered and fixed was that the code being used to handle variable consistency for exported PCs (via the alternative means of starting the module) turned out to be not required when PCs moved directly from one module to another. The problem was, when this extra code was executed, the PC companions would not re-equip their weapons upon entering the overland map starting area, which meant they would be unprepared for any map encounter they may later have. Thankfully, after removing the function that handled the weapon variables, all worked as it should. The function that caused the problem remains in place for starting afresh with potential exported PCs, and I will keep an eye to see if this has any other impact with more testing.

2) ENCOUNTER AREA TRANSITIONS: Another problem discovered at this stage was that when leaving a conversation to start an encounter, the game would sometimes fail to transition to the encounter area. It turned out to be a simple timing issue where the Overland Map creature that initiates the conversation was being destroyed just slightly before the transition it handled took place. It took me a while to track down, but once discovered, I simply gave the map creature an extra 0.5 sec lifespan and the transitions worked as they should.

3) ENCOUNTER NUMBERS: I use my own encounter.2da files to determine which creatures and their numbers are encountered, subject to the terrain the PCs find themselves in. My original tables had allowed for fewer numbers than the conversations suggested (*), and so required updating to accommodate this; as well as for the more powerful parties that will start with module two. (*) If the conversation talks about a "gang" of trolls, you don't expect to meet just one in the encounter area, as it had originally stood.

4) OVERLAND MAP MOVEMENT SPEED: My wife's first test was using an over-encumbered Main PC. (I had not been expecting this.) It meant that her normal slower movement for being on an Overland Map was even slower due to the PC's encumbrance. While this was effectively a "correct" interpretation of her proportional overland movement while on the map, I personally found it a little frustrating. Therefore, I added an extra check that would help maintain a consistent map speed whether the Main PC was encountered or not, by effectively doubling the PC speed if encumbered so that it remained consistent when travelling the Overland Map. I made the assumption that party members would share the load (if companions were present), or that the Main PC just handled it more efficiently. Practicality trumped realism here. Besides, normal encumbrance movement rate is suitably restored when entering the normal areas anyway.

Moving Forward

I'll see how the next couple of months of building goes, but my aim is to finish enough to allow my wife to be able to do a more thorough test of Stage One of the second module. It's not an ideal situation, as I intend to keep some of the module options unclear to her, so that when she comes to play it properly, the experience is a better one for her. This means that some parts/paths will go unchecked, but hopefully, the important parts will be tested. Other paths and options, I hope, will be tested by any volunteering beta-testers when the time comes. I am also having to prioritise some home repairs at the moment, and so depending upon how that goes will determine what I can get sorted in the next month or two.


Take a look at the screenshots this month, which show the Main PC on the Overland Map, who represents the whole party. The first shows a nearby encounter with some trolls, narrowly avoided. The second screenshot (representing an hour later) shows where the trolls catch up with the party and begins the conversation pertaining to the encounter.

Campaign Update

There have been some noticeable changes and improvements to the overall campaign code, as I have been making preparations and alterations to tie in better with the needs of the second module. Things like multiple scripts that did similar things have been replaced with a single script. For example, there were around four scripts that handled various faction changes and updates that were quite confusing when to use and how (if at all) they differed. These were some of the first scripts I wrote, and they were altered over the years to try to accommodate various updates with factions that I have made. The single replacement script is much easier to understand and use, and with testing to date, appears to handle the same as every other script did, but more efficiently.

On the back of this, I hope I have also improved when auto-pause kicks in (if used) and the Enemy Counter. There have also been a myriad of other updates and fixes, which while not always obvious or even encountered by every player, will help smooth out the gameplay moving forward. For instance, I have fixed an inventory feedback when handling some items; added a missed VFX beam for a spell that gives the player a more accurate interpretation for a missed spell; and Captured Spell Books have been fixed in one or two places, where a spell was not working or a book that could not be evaluated and sold. There are a few other such minor fixes, which will all be available when I release v2.59E.

Avoiding The Gang of Trolls!
No Avoiding The Trolls Now!

Saturday 11 November 2023

Episode 79: Area By Area (Stage One)

As there was no blog last month, I felt I needed to bring readers up to date with the current progress of the second module. I had hoped this blog entry was to bring news that the first stage (chapter) of the second module was signed off by now and being alpha tested... but I'm not quite there yet. Read on to learn of latest developments.

A Significant Jump

I can report that in the last two months, I have managed to sign-off on a number of areas of development that required some intensive design work. By this, I mean area building, item building, and some conversations. However, in that time, I was unable to finish every important conversation, and until I do finish them, then this first stage of the module cannot be tested to "completion". I remind readers that this Stage One (of three in total) accounts for around 50% of the second module (in my estimation), and so will be a significant step once it moves on to the testing stage.

Area By Area

I won't divulge how many areas are to be found in this first stage (to avoid spoilers), but as a means to help me cover all final content for alpha testing, I have switched back to signing off one area at a time. That is, I am now working through all areas for the first stage and working on the finishing touches for each. This may be as simple as removing test items left in the area, to writing final conversation sections, or adding hostile encounters based upon story requirements. The main point to recognise here, however, is that all design for the first stage areas are now completed. For instance, it was only in the last few days I finished designing the final room to a dungeon that was the last area for this first stage to finish. It involved a puzzle element and some careful attention to effects and sounds, but the end result was as I had hoped.

So far, I have covered around 14% of the areas I need to finalize for this first stage. However, many of the remaining areas need nothing more than test item removal, which takes only a minute or two to do. It takes me longer to double check for any potentially unfinished conversations for an area, or an encounter placement, for example. A final check for each area is whether I feel it lacks enough "interaction potential". Possibly surprising to some, this final stage is what takes more time for me than many other aspect of building. This is the stage when I decide if there is anything else a player may have their PCs discover in the area, be it something as basic as a crafting item, unusual treasure, or just some other point of interest. Depending upon what I finally decide to do, determines whether it is a five minute job, or something that may take me days to implement.

A Design Delay Example: Missile Only!

As an example of how something can cause a delay in development:  I have a situation where I wanted an object to only be targeted by missile weapons. So, if targetted by a melee weapon, then the PC was to stop their attack and report they required a missile weapon. The problem is that NWN2 does not handle any Z (height) axis very well, and so it was allowing an attack on said object even though it was effectively "out of reach". It took some thinking, but I eventually figured out a way to allow this to work, even when the default action for the object was set as an "attack". This was further complicated by the fact that I have an "attack object" button that a player can use to have any companions/cohorts attack any currently targeted object. Therefore, I had to also update that area of code to work with the newly implemented missile only code. Thankfully, that is all done now, and another area of code sorted for the campaign. Testing to date shows it works as intended.

That Which Is Done

I have finally finished all the journal entries for the first stage. This was a reasonably large task, as some of these entries can differ subject to what the player does from the very start of the module, and if they have played the first module. Finishing these also required me to have many items built and conversations written so that I could ensure the entries made sense from what the PCs had already done. Due to the amount of flexibility of play I allow, this coordination between journal entries and conversations (especially), was a big challenge, and one that I had to restrict building to days when I could cope best (with my health) in managing them.

That Which Still Remains

I have two plot lines that still require some conversations, which are currently holding back alpha-testing. It took quite a bit of pre-planning and design (now completed) to reach the point where I can now safely write them without (I hope) causing any potential logical flow in their writing. Sometimes, I can write a conversation ahead of time, because I am reasonably sure at what stage of the game the PCs will be at. At other times, like with these two conversations, I needed to wait until all the gameplay aspect was in place to help me determine what options the conversation should offer.

There also remains some plot items that require considered placement surrounding these two conversations, as well as some of those final area checks (that I mention above) where these conversations take place. Once I have these two sections of gameplay sorted, then alpha testing will begin.

Continued Improvements

Alongside the latest building, I have been continuing to support and improve on the overall campaign code. Some of the key updates and improvements have been some tweaks to the follow routines when switching between PCs and/or AI and Puppet Mode; help avoiding PCs becoming stuck in the environment, as well as general improvements and a few minor fixes. There are currently over 40 amendments and fixes listed for the next v2.56E release, and so it will be a worthwhile download, even if not critical. Some of these updates have been due to preparation of spells and other play for the second module. This latest update will be released after my wife has finished play-testing it for a few hours.

Monday 11 September 2023

Episode 78: Not Long Now, Maybe!

Now I don't want the title of this blog to oversell the point I want to say, but... I believe I am now quite close to passing Stage One of this second module to my wife for alpha testing. To put this into perspective, in one calculation, Stage One accounts for around 50% size of the overall module... a large chunk of its entirety. Importantly, once passed across for alpha testing, that section is considered "locked" to further development, leaving me to concentrate on the second and third stages again. These two later stages still require some work, but are themselves already both reasonably well developed. All in all, I would like to think the completion of this second module is in sight.

How Close To Overall Completion?

I don't want to make promises I cannot keep, but what I can say is both of the remaining stages already have their core quests and outlines in place. Both stages two and three do, however, require a couple of areas added from scratch to complete their adventures. Stage three also requires some further development on a new game system I have developed for that section. The core design is already in place, but it requires some more balancing and tweaking. For those that like stats, I have recently saved my 310 th backup of the module, which currently weighs in at 1GB uncompressed, which compares to 365 MB for my first module. (Module three, The Last Day, currently weighs in at 398 MB.)

Last Month Update

I can say that even the first stage, in its latest build, has required me to add a new area and another NPC to fully realise another potential plot path. Sometimes these sort of things happen, especially when I have an inkling that some players may want to try something different from what I first considered. When I have these thoughts occur, I like to include and implement a means where a player might be able to fulfil any ideas they had in mind, alongside those already available. It's potentially a niche requirement, but if I can include it without adding too much to the build time, I do.

Campaign Update

Starting from this blog entry, I will now cover any first module updates in this section entitled "Campaign Update". Moving forward, and especially after the second module is added, any fixes to the campaign affects every module that the campaign supports. In the meantime, I just want to add that there will be another update in the form of v2.56E in the coming days or weeks to add additional support or fix some minor points in the first module, The First Day, too.

So, please bear with me as I try to move this project forward. I hope the wait will be worth it. In the meantime, here is another screenshot taken from the first Stage of module two. NOTE: Screenshots from this date onwards will be from the new 3440 x 1440 (approx) format.

Access Locked, Until Conditions Met!

Saturday 5 August 2023

Episode 77: Boom or Bust!

Dungeon delving is all about taking risks in a dangerous environment to come back with great rewards! It kind of reminds me of trying to build a module using the NWN2 toolset. Personally, I find it even more fun when the dungeon I am delving into is connected to the main plot, where I am learning something new about the story I am involved with. Then again, the occasional random dungeon with just a load of loot doesn't go unwelcome either, I guess. So, let us welcome the world of dungeon delving, where a PC can either boom or bust!

The Main Plot Dungeon

After giving you an outline of what I hope to achieve in the coming months in the last blog, this month I am able to inform you that I have made some good inroads into the main dungeon for the first stage of the module. That's not to say that it's the only dungeon for this stage... definitely not. When I say "main", I mean that it is a dungeon related to the "main" quest, rather than suggesting it is the largest you may encounter. That said, like most dungeons I design, I do like them to come with a reasonable amount of depth, both figuratively and literally. Therefore, even this dungeon will require the player to be ready for anything.

As I believe I mentioned in a previous post, somewhere, this particular dungeon scenario is an adaptation of one of my original PnP (pen and paper) D&D designs. Now, while players of my campaign will have already played out this scenario in the PnP days, it was some time ago - we are talking early 1980's! Therefore, even those with the best memory for my campaign will likely welcome a refresher run through this scenario and dungeon, as it will help remind them of how this whole campaign began. Interestingly, for them, it will be the first time they can replay the scenario from a visual computer perspective too, but, and here's the twist, for them (and new players alike) from the viewpoint of a return to that dungeon!

To this end, there will be some things familiar to them, but some new things too. (For newcomers to my campaign, playing the second background choice, they will be seeing it all afresh, of course. However, they too will quickly come to learn that they walk behind the steps of "giants". No, not literal giants, I'm talking about... oh, you'll see , if you have not already guessed it.) However, I have taken this opportunity, not only to bring my original PnP work to the computer, but also to "improve" on it. This is some of my earliest work, and I can confess that some of the writing is a little naive, and the gaming a bit twee in places. I am taking this opportunity to bring some gravitas back to the scenario, and have it play like I remembered it did (in my rose-tinted spec memories), rather than how it would do if I tried playing exactly as it is currently written in its old paper note format.

Dungeon Differences

The scenario I am currently working on is just one among many of my original PnP material that I am bringing into the second module, alongside newer material. In every one, I am bringing the same editorial updates as I am to the current one I am working on, so that the story plays with a more considered approach and with stronger characters.

DESIGN: Most of the actual designs and layouts of the areas and dungeons themselves are very close to their original, except where a pencilled in note cannot be easily executed in a computer environment without some extra scripting. In such situations, I have been able to make some interesting additions to the module and exploited some NWN toolset design features, which, in turn, have ended up being more exciting gaming aspects than the original PnP design! Old players probably would not recall this subtle change, and new players will just think it exciting, I hope. Looking back, I can see that some area designs were "weak", and these have either undergone a redesign or have been removed completely, with any pertinent content moved to another location where it works better.

PARTY WIPE-OUT: I must have been a "hard-ass" DM at the time, as in the notes I am currently working my way through, I have at least two or three situations where I expect the players to respond in a few seconds what it is they intend to do to survive a tense situation. If they got it wrong, then it was time to roll a new party and try again. I must admit, I don't recall us ever having to do that, but, back then, with a DM at the helm, you could easily ad-lib hints and give clues to players that would help them in these sorts of situations when the time came. That said, I just don't like the idea of a game effectively "busting" when certain conditions are not met. Sure, in extreme situations, I can see the drama of such moments, but in a computer version of the same where a quick reload fixes the problem, party wipe-out situations no longer have a place. So, this in mind, these situations have also been revised to be challenging if doing something "stupid", but not a game-breaker.

STORY DELIVERY: I add this here now, more to highlight how this will NOT change, apart from rewriting some of the conversations to account for the "revisit" and to add better dialogue as a whole. Books and scrolls, as it happens, were not too bad, compared to some of the other story aspects, and so most of these have been reused in their original format, albeit again with an occasional tweak that made the story feel more immersive and have a greater sense of place. Basically, a tightening of writing where required, without, I hope, removing material that old players will remember, and new players will ponder for the first time. Suffice to say, the current scenario I am converting is very much at the heart of the main story, and is the one that gives the player the reason for their role in this campaign. For this reason alone, I am trying to make sure it starts and sets the scene well.

So Far, So Good!

I am really excited about the way the latest module has been coming along. It's certainly much bigger than I thought it was going to be... in a way that offers some great scope for adventure rather than be considered anything monotonous. The new scenarios and writing sits alongside the original material well, and with the newer systems coming with this second module with respect to background conversation choices, I think there is quite a diverse level of play to be had... and some interesting dungeons in which to delve!

Hopefully, it won't be much longer and I will be passing this first stage off for alpha-testing. Again, I will be sure to let you know when this happens.

On another note, module one appears quite stable at the moment. I have a couple of minor cosmetic changes that will come with v2.55E, but I am waiting for any last minute feedback from play testers before uploading the next version. As cosmetic changes only, they do not affect the actual gameplay, and so will only be done when I am happy that we are at a definitive update stage.

Finally, here is the reason why "bust" had to appear in this month's blog title:

I Was Hoping For More "Boom"!

Thursday 13 July 2023

Episode 76: Stage One!

Readers of this blog may recall a couple of episodes back, that I had determined that this second module of The Scroll campaign, called Predestinated Days, is effectively comprised of three stages. Taking this into account, I determined that I would concentrate on finishing each stage in order, before moving onto the next. This would allow me to beta-test each stage as I continued work on the next. The last couple of months has been about working on "Stage One". Read on...

A Bumpy Start To The Journey

Reaching this point of building module two has only been achieved after a bit of a bumpy ride, due to me continuing to support and update the first module, making it backward compatible with new additions along the way via campaign file restructuring. Thankfully, I believe that long and arduous task is now nearing completion, if not already completed. Apart from some recent last minute pitfalls, (which frustratingly added some potentially game-breaking updates), the first module, The First Day, should now be in its most stable version of release. Therefore, once the latest play-testers have finished their current games, and I fix any last minute issues they might find, I believe the core files for the campaign will have been fully tested in their latest format. As far as I am aware, most, if not all future scripting is now just a matter of writing new scripts, or adding to an existing template; neither of which should interfere with the first module any further.  

Bottom line: Module one should be near enough on its final version, and all updates to campaign code are now written within their own boundaries for the later modules. Hopefully, readers will recognise this as a big step forward for both the stability of module one, and how it will help expedite the writing of module two. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have supported me and been patient to bear with me with the many updates through the growing pains of the campaign. Hopefully, the end results were, and will be, worth it.

Stage One Progress

The New Quests

As I look within the toolset and at the numerous quests available for Stage One of the second module, I can see, at a glance, that five entries still require their journal end-points to be completed. However, I am also aware of a sixth journal entry, which has some missing entries that requires completing. I also note that this first stage has the most journal entries of all the three stages of this second module; although I appreciate that this does not necessarily reflect overall play duration, due to some quests possibly being quicker to complete than others. (Please note that I will cover the completion progress of later stage quests in another dedicated post for that stage.)

In the last month, I managed to reach (and add) another "end-point" to one of the larger side scenarios that can be played. All that remains to be done for this scenario, are a couple of conversations and the placement of some plot items. The point I am trying to make, however, is that the main framework for this latest quest is now complete.  For the record, it's worth pointing out that this is one of those quests that does not have to be played within the modules first stage, but, for the purposes of setting myself a completion goal, I have included it in "Stage One" as one of those to work on first.

Of the other entries that remain, one is the path of the main quest, which is a conversion of an old pen and paper scenario that I designed way back in the 1980's. I am hoping that it should not take too long to convert, although I have been adding some other gameplay details to it along the way, so that it reflects the flavour that players would have normally picked up when playing with a DM who would have given more feedback information at the time of play. I am also hoping to add one or two other gameplay aspects to this quest, which work better in a computer environment compared to how it was originally designed to be played in pen and paper. Finishing this quest alone would take care of at least two journal entries that currently remain. This will be the next area for me to concentrate on after I finish the final details of the one I am currently finishing off.

Lastly, there are around four other journal entries that are closely linked to one another, which the heroes will have the opportunity to deal with during this stage of the game. The core outline for these remaining quests is already set in place, but there are one or two conversations that require extra attention due to the logical flow that is involved during the process of completing these related quests. For while I could simplify (and speed up) the whole process, it would be at the cost of some unique gameplay. For me, such a design is the difference between a standard RPG quest experience and one that a player feels is tailored to their own unique gaming experience. If I can achieve this, then it will, hopefully, give a player a unique feel for their game, and the possibility of a different outcome and experience if ever played again.

The New Puzzles

Alongside some of the puzzles that came with the first module, I have introduced some new ones. Some are repeatable (in a similar fashion to the tumbler chest puzzles), but others have been designed to complement the current scenario. This first stage of the second module comes with at least one of these newer puzzles, which is designed in a way that I hope will keep the player intrigued and wanting to push forward in their current quest. In this sense, I have designed the "puzzle" to be part of the adventure. Hopefully, you will understand what I mean by this if and when you have the opportunity to play it.

Regular readers of this blog will know that I enjoy games that include puzzles or mini-games, which are employed in such a way that can add an enjoyable addition to the gameplay. In this second (and third module), I am trying to add some new gameplay that I hope will give players something extra to test both their wits and tactics, while having fun at the same time. I think of the times when, as a DM, I would present a puzzle to my group of players and have them try to figure out what part it has to play at that time, or how it may be of importance moving forward. In my mind, it adds another dimension to the gameplay, which I hope adds an interest and further expectations a player may have.

The New Gameplay

When we look at the AAA games available to play today, at first it may seem like anything we might try to make with NWN2 will appear to fall far short from that which is currently on offer in such new games. However, I have come to recognise that the enjoyment of a game is not just about such things as the introduction of a fancy new graphics engine, but just as much to do with being something "new" in general. The real enjoyment is to be had when a player can relate to a story being told, and has a good understanding of their ability (through their avatar) to be able to participate within it. If, along the way, they learn or experience something new or interesting from what they have experienced before, then that new moment of discovery or achievement is what has the player keep coming back for more.

The fun, as I have come to understand it from my own experience, is in the discovery of something new about the story or game I am playing, which I can then respond to or work with. Conversely, if the story or gaming element is something already (or becomes) too familiar to me, then that is when a game can fall flat, and possibly abandoned. Therefore, even though NWN2 may be considered an "old" platform, I concluded that the story I am writing for the game is still worth telling using it. For while I believe "there is nothing new under the sun", I would, however, like to believe that this story (of my own telling), can still offer some players "pause for thought", and hopefully remain as a memory of a pleasurable experience long after they reach its finale.

I would like to add that my knowledge of using the NWN2 toolset has improved over the years. Unfortunately, this is not in the ability to design new areas with grand and magnificent vistas, but is instead, in an ability (I hope), to give some unexpected designs in gameplay that may surprise the player and give them a moment of experiencing something "new" within the NWN2 gaming platform. I can think of at least two places where the end results of what I was trying to achieve exceeded my own expectations when play tested in-game. Maybe I am easily pleased? The point I am trying to make, however, is that the next module (at least), will come with some new gameplay experiences in the form of some interesting and unexpected differences from the standard NWN2 game that players have come to expect. This is the excitement of playing a modders game, as you never know if the builder has added something new to what is expected from the standard game. In this sense, we can have both the experience of playing a game that we know and love with the added excitement of not knowing what the builder may have in store for us.

Today I can report that Stage One of the second module is one step closer to a point of "completion", at which point I can then pass it on for testing. For now, here is a screenshot from Stage One of module:

Another Time & Another Place!

Friday 9 June 2023

Episode 75: Objectively Bigger!

Just over four years ago I made my first episode post reporting on the current development of The Scroll: Predestinated Days, my second module for my NWN2 campaign, called The Althéa Campaign. Today, I can report that this second module is now "objectively bigger" than the first, as over the last month I have managed to add a few more quests that now give this second module more quests than the first has. It's not that I ever set out with any particular number of quests in mind, but that's how it has ended up... and there's still a possibility for a few more to be added! Now, I don't want to say much more about the numbers specifically, but I do want to reassure readers that I believe I have hopefully not compromised on quality.

Regarding The Quality

I guess we have all heard the saying that "bigger does not always mean better", and, I agree. That said, I hope the time I have spent in the toolset and supporting my first module, The Scroll: The First Day, has gone some way to helping me be able to develop a second module of a quality that, I believe, is actually better than the first. There are now a number of points that I would like to share that I hope will make this second module a game to be remembered.

1) A Larger Environment

Having broken free of the barrier surrounding New Edgeton in the first module, the heroes are now free to explore the open world around them. This means the second module will open with a world map. However, those that have played my first module may recall that there were actually two world maps available! So, not only will the second module come with two world maps with various locations to explore as they discover them, but the first world map will also be supported by an overland map.

For those that are not familiar with the technical differences of these map types, basically, an overland map is a closer expanded region of a world map, but works in three dimensions, like an area map, albeit on a larger scale and with a fixed perspective. It acts as a good midway system to allow a player to move their party large distances while allowing further interactions as they travel. A world map, by comparison, is just a pictorial map that a player can select locations to travel to without any further input required from the player. I would add that the the term "world map" is a misnomer, as each such pictorial map actually only represents a section of the world as a whole. Just like most RPGs, they simply represent sections of the world where the current adventure takes place.

2) Story Progression

Finally freed from the confines of their home village, the heroes can now learn more about their role in it. Note that if the player has already played the first module with Option One background, then they will already have some knowledge of their role in the events that are unfolding. However, as many players will more likely have selected the Option Two background, then this will be the first time they will be introduced to the campaign events that have been occurring while they had been trapped in the village. However, whichever background the player has chosen, the story will take a large step forward in this module. Furthermore, if a player has not played the first module, they will still be given the choice to select the background option and be able to continue the story.

In the first module, the main plot line (reference the cutscene as the PC enters the village for the first time), had to take a back seat as the heroes were forced to resolve the village's barrier issue. In the second module, however, it does not take long before the heroes find themselves embroiled in those events that they had consciously known little about. Not before long, they will learn of things that had remained a bit of a mystery from the first module, and start to recognise the world just got bigger! And so has their story!

3) The Quests

With a larger environment to explore there comes more opportunity for adventures anew. However, I want to remind readers and players alike that I like to design this campaign from the perspective of a pen and paper D&D style adventure. That means, most quests will be focussed affairs that could stand alone as a full blown adventure with areas and mysteries of its own. Furthermore, those quests that would be considered main quests may intertwine with one another in such a way that, arguably, various quests may string together as if each was the main quest as it happens. The difficulty I have as a builder, is designing these quests to work together as a whole for all possible directions every player may execute their version of the story.

Similar to the first module, there will be quests that suddenly open up into adventures more complex than first expected. However, I am hoping the second module manages to do this to a greater effect and with a more satisfying result. Also, because I am using adventures converted from my pen and paper days, I am hoping the atmosphere and gameplay of these quests will be more immersive than most.

Technical Improvements

From past experiences, I have managed to improve some of the ways cutscenes are handled and even have picked up one or two tricks that I have not seen used in any other module to date. They have involved more scripting and preparation than most events the player may normally encounter, but there inclusion is, for me at least, one of the most exciting things I am looking forward to the player experiencing. It is these particular details that I am finding the hardest not to talk about, as I don't want to spoil the moment the player experiences them in game. I am hoping for a "Wow, that was cool" or maybe even, "I did not know this game could do that" kind of reactions. Admittedly, modern games may do the kind of thing I speak of, but I hope it will come as a pleasant surprise for people used to playing NWN2 modules.

Another more obvious technical change will come later in the module, where I introduce another whole layer of gameplay for the player. I like to include new experiences for players of my modules, not just in the way of a story, but in the way the game can be played. Note, this new level of gameplay plays alongside what the player is used to, but, hopefully, will add a level of interest that has the player wanting to progress in other ways. It involves new GUIs and interaction in ways that suits the environment and story at that stage. In some sense, it is an entirely new module within the module, and one that alters the pace and atmosphere of the areas involved.

A couple of last points I want to remind readers and players alike, is that all these adventures and exciting new gameplay is being designed with the player's choice of PC character backgrounds, meaning conversations will offer more variations when employed, and that the whole experience is also still being designed with coop MP in mind, so the module will also be able to be played with a friend or two, as well as the standard SP option.

Bigger Is Better!?

An Ancient Sacred Site

Monday 8 May 2023

Episode 74: The Three Stages!

Apart from running into a handful of strange scripting situations over the last month, I did also manage to make some progress with the second module. As I pondered what remained to be done, I realised this time around that the module will play out over three stages. Let's now take a look at how things currently stand.

Scripting Weirdness

To begin with, I just wanted to note (for the record) that I have had one or two strange issues of late, which, on the surface of it, appear to be related to scripting. First, my escape key appears to randomly stop working in game now and then. Secondly, I have had scripts that should work fail. E.g. I have a script that randomly fails on an object that works fine on other instances of the same object. Thirdly, I have had a couple of scripts that failed to work, only to suddenly start working! So, either I am going through a particularly bad month for concentration and bodged something somewhere (which is quite possible), or my computer is playing up (I have had a couple of other minor issues outside the toolset), or lastly, NWN2 is giving me a bit of a runaround of late. I'll keep an eye open for these moving forward, and update readers if I can ever explain any of these.

The Three Stages

The above issues aside, I have still been making gradual progress with the second module. It was while I was reviewing what remained to be done that I realised that this second module could, arguably, be split into three stages, or chapters. For my own design purposes, I won't be using chapter denotations. Notably, however, now that the three stages have become clear to me, it does mean I can concentrate on finishing the first stage, to allow my wife to alpha test that part while I continue to work the on later stages.

The Beginning (Stage 1):  

As to be expected, the first stage of this second module takes place immediately after the player finishes The First Day, the first module in my NWN2 campaign, The Scroll. Subject to how the player starts their game, however, determines how this second module opens. Ultimately, however, the PC begins their journey into the lands beyond their home village, New Edgeton, from which they finally managed to escape in the first module.

This first stage still requires finishing the overland map and some new areas recently added to it. It was as a result of comparing this first stage to the latter two, that I realised it lacked one or two events required to balance it compared to the module's later stages. The decision to expand this first stage has turned out to be a bonus, however, as it meant I could expand the story slightly and add some gaming elements, while redressing the weight of the overall adventure at the same time. As I mention above, it meant I had to add a few more areas, which added time. However, to prevent too much time spent on further development, I made the decision to grab some pre-fab areas (or some of those areas designed by other builders), to rework for my module needs. I still needed to design one interior area, but this area is nearly finished now. I currently continue to concentrate on getting this stage complete.

The Journey (Stage 2): 

While even the beginning stage requires the PC to explore their immediate surroundings, and travel across many miles, the world (and current adventure) does not, and will not, end there. In the gameplay of stage one, the PC will learn more about the world and their role in it. This eventually leads the player to recognise they need to head farther afield to where stage two takes place.

I don't want to give any spoilers, but suffice to say, the PC now enters a new region with new adventures and experiences as they continue with their overall goal they learned in stage one. This second stage is already well fleshed out with areas and quests, and apart from finishing a couple of larger quests, is mostly done.

The Ending (Stage 3): 

Eventually, there comes a point that is reached that clearly denotes the beginning of the second module's third and final end stage. Note, however, that just because the PC begins this third and final stage, it does not mean that the PC will not have further dealings with any previous stages of the module.

Of all the stages, this third stage is still the one that requires the most work, as it is also the section that introduces a unique game-play system. The core of this system is already setup, but its execution still requires some careful attention. Suffice to say, I am hoping it will add a whole new level of interest and challenge for the player by the time their PC reaches this third stage of the module.

Stages Moving Forward

The point I am trying to make is that each stage of this second module can be defined clearly from the point of view of work outstanding and, more importantly, when it can be given access to testing. What this now means is that I finally have a plan of action to help bring this module to completion. My aim is to try to concentrate on each stage starting from the first and ending with the last, in order, so I can have each stage alpha-tested as I work on the next. As soon as I have each stage finished to testing point, I'll hand it over to my wife to test and let readers of this blog know.

And to mark this stage of development, and with three being the theme, here are three screenshots from the stage I am currently working on:

Is there A Swamp Monster Here?

Yes! There Is!

A Puzzle Perhaps?

Tuesday 11 April 2023

Episode 73: Upping The Ante!

With a new module comes new challenges... It's a time to "up the ante", and to introduce new monsters and puzzles for the party of heroes to face and overcome. However, creating such new challenges for the player's band of heroes also translates into creating new obstacles for the builder to overcome. Let me explain ...

New Monsters!

It is said that there is actually "nothing new under the sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:9 KJV), which is something I happen to agree with. However, for each of us, there are certainly new things to experience, even if it has been around before in one format or another. I mean I believe it is safe to say that most of us know what a vampire is, and what to expect it to be like, but... It's true to say that not all vampires (and any creature for that matter) fall from the same mould. Yet, it is these small variations in the monster template that can make the encounter a bit more "exciting", or perhaps I should say "dangerous", upon encountering one such creature in a new campaign world.

This is because not every builder will include certain aspects of a creature's design in their specific version of the creature in question. Sometimes this is due to the limitations of the NWN game engine that we use, or more likely most of the time, due to lack of time to script in all those lovely AI updates we could employ for the various creatures. That said, when we have been able to add a slight nuance to a creature that may not have been experienced before, it can add another level of depth to the module being played in question. Therefore, with this in mind, I hope, on the odd occasion, to add just a little bit more to any new creatures encountered in module two. Let me be clear on this matter, it will only be the odd one or two, as some creature variants can be quite complex. One such creature to have undergone such treatment is in this week's screenshot (see below).

My normal approach when dealing with this sort of thing, is to gather as much information about the creature I have in mind to use as possible, and then create a version that supports as many of its known features as possible. This is where the "ante" builds up for me, as even adding just one unique property for a creature takes time. If a creature has two or three properties that differ from the original template provided, then it takes me longer to include them in the final build. The end result, however, is a more rounded adversary, which, I hope, will also "up the ante" for their encounter. Whether players will thank me for that, I'm not so sure. I guess time will tell.

New Puzzles!

I've reported on these before, but I would like to touch on them again. For The Althéa Campaign, puzzles range from simple mini-games to more complex situational puzzles. Those that have played my first module will be quite familiar with the mini-puzzles I refer to, and so hopefully, will feel quite a home with the new variants that come with Predestinated Days, my second module. These sorts of puzzles can occur multiple times through the adventure, and can normally be solved in various ways. That said, I am making a concerted effort with this second module to expand on the more elaborate situational puzzles.

Again, players of my first module will be familiar with the sort of thing I mean. However, when it comes to these "situational" puzzles, I have decided to try to "up the ante" in these too. By "situational" puzzle, I mean those that PCs can encounter in an area rather than on any one specific object. I consider them multi-object puzzles, which a player may need to take notes on, or, more importantly, consider a bigger picture when working with them. One such example from module one, was repairing the sewer units. Here, the player had to understand a process and consider the long term goal or what it was they were trying to achieve. It is this kind of "puzzle" or "task" I hope to take to a new level of interest or, from my perspective, presentation. It's currently an idea in progress, but I already have a couple of these task-like puzzles in place, and I think they play quite well ... I just hope players think the same.

More Challenging!

Basically, as to be expected for an experienced party, I guess, the next module is aiming to be more of a challenge for both the heroes and by default, the player too. That said, I aim to try to include the normal alternative ways of playing in place, to allow players a different approach if they struggle to progress, even if it means altering the game difficulty setting, or a frugal use of Life Essences at the right time.

Perhaps A Little Too Challenging, Alone?

Friday 10 March 2023

Episode 72: Forging Your Own Path!

There may be one overarching story in a module or campaign, but the journey, or path, you take along the way is what makes the adventure unique to you. Designing a campaign that can be approached in a number of different ways was one of my main objectives, and the second module of the series, Predestinated Days, continues with the same approach. So, whether you decide to play it with a bunch of fighters, a small band of thieves, or even a holy or unholy brotherhood of clerics, that is just the beginning of your choice of adventure. Let's take a closer look at some of the latest progress for the next step along the path of the Althéa Campaign.

The Alignment Path

A PC's alignment plays a big part while exploring the World of Althéa, and so playing a holy warrior, like a paladin, may not necessarily be an easy path to tread. The same can be said of good or evil aligned clerics, of course, but also includes other classes that rely on following a specific alignment, like that of a druid or a bard. The point is, when selecting a class that relies on an alignment to stay true to the class specifics, the player should realise that they will have already bound themselves to consider their actions they take in the campaign moving forward. Shift too far from the class alignment reliance, and they may quickly find themselves a fallen paladin, or too far removed from their class requirement to continue in the chosen class. Through their actions, a PC could find they are drifting too far from their class alignment requirement and so need to take steps to redress it before they lose their class status.

The Althéa Campaign does its best to accommodate such PC actions, and while not perfect, I believe it still provides a workable framework for any class to be able to progress, if the player observes this while playing. For instance, it should soon become obvious that killing creatures can shift alignments (in either direction), and actions such as stealing, and chaotic behaviour, such as destroying property belonging to someone else, will also cause alignment shifts, as just a few examples.

But what happens if a PC has a bad day, and events appear to have conspired against them and they find themselves feeling a little off course to their intended behaviour? What happens if a druid is forced to kill an evil creature in self-defence, which ends up being recognised as a good act that has now shifted their alignment to such an extent that they are now considered a hero for the people? "He's such a good chap", the villagers start to cry! Not what the neutral-bent druid needs at all! Well, in the Althéa Campaign, there are a number of ways a PC can repair any life altering alignment swings, deliberate or otherwise, by reconsidering their PC's actions and actively doing things that may redress this balance (if possible) ... or by making an offering at an altar.

To do this, a PC must locate one of three types of altars that can be found dedicated to the various gods throughout the world, dedicated to either: good, evil or neutral. They perform in a similar fashion, but to avoid spoilers, I will only speak about the impact on the alignment, the subject of this topic. Making a valid offering on a good or evil altar will help shift a PCs alignment according to the altar's persuasion. A neutral altar, because of its very nature, does not apply any alignment shifting. The PC should experiment with the offerings they make, but if they do it correctly, then the PC's alignment (and all party members currently associated with them) will be shifted in the direction that the altar represents. I hope I need not say how care should be taken if there are those in the party who would not appreciate such alterations to their own alignments. It should also be pointed out that destroying one of these altars affects alignment as well ... in an obvious way, I hope.

Alignment play in action: If you would like to see a player called Travus playing a paladin (with a related good aligned party) in the campaign, take a look at his videos of playing The First Day (the first module of the campaign) ... and be sure to leave a "like" for him.

The Quests Path

In the Althéa Campaign, just as important as alignment choices, are the quests you choose to play, and in which order ... as each choice can affect the story for you, elsewhere. For this reason, I do not think some of the terms used to describe cRPGs in general suit my campaign design. For while it has some elements of those types of labels such as "story" or "sandbox", I don't think either of those two labels describe its design sufficiently. If I was to be so bold, I would like to add my own design label to suggest a gaming style called "Story Maker", where the player is creating the story around their PC, dependant upon what they choose to do. That is, it is designed like a D&D PnP campaign, with options that a player can, in many cases, choose to follow up upon or ignore completely, which can then impact the overall game experience. Or, to put it another way, the design is a "story" made up of different "sandbox" type elements. That is to say, the campaign is following a main story, but also allows the player to explore the world freely (similar to a sandbox design) in the hope to find other adventure. I guess the distinction is subtle, but I hope anyone who plays my campaign will be able to appreciate this difference I am trying to express.

So how does this play out in the game? Well, as an example, the campaign is designed with some scenarios (to borrow a D&D term), which some players may completely miss if they choose to ignore certain leads in the game. By the term "scenario", I am using it in the sense of a full adventure in its own right, and not just a basic side-quest. Building a campaign, is effectively a world full of different adventures, waiting for a player to discover and then to decide whether to pursue them or not ... and if they do so, in which order? The point being, one player may approach the story from one angle (or adventure), while another player does so another way. The full story is made according to their PC actions.

As an example from my first module, the hero can explore the village of New Edgeton, discover a sewer entrance and immediately choose to explore it. Alternatively, they could just ignore it. Later, they find a notice that leads them to consider asking about work in the sewers. The hero could pursue this, or ignore it. Later, the hero may hear of people going missing in the sewers, or that there is a reward for carrying out a task in the sewers. The hero could pursue any or none of these leads. After all, the main story (for the first module) is about removing the barrier from the village! Whether the player decides to follow up on any of these other worldly events is left entirely up to the player. These are "story elements" unique to this player's PC's experience. NB: The campaign has its own main story arc.

Finding Your Path

Why does this matter? Because, as my design ethos dictates, what you do in my first module affects what happens in the second, which is what I really want to talk about now. While it is possible to start afresh from my second module Predestinated Days, I am hoping there will be players who have managed to play my first module, and have access to a PC they played in that module, or even still have a saved game that can be continued from.

The point is, the second module, being a part of the campaign as a whole (of course), is set to continue on the same design style of giving the player the choice to pursue as many of the other world events they may discover as they would like to. Just like the first module, (and all modules with a main story), some quests must be completed to reach the end game. However, there will also be areas designed for the player to explore just because they are there. Importantly, these will come with their own adventures, and not just be infill areas on the way to complete the main quest. Outside the main quest line, I leave it to the player to decide what gaming elements they wish to pursue, but try to encourage the player to explore and build their own story from the world I have created for them to explore and adventure within.

So, as a final point for now, here is a screen shot from an area I have been working on of late, which only the most ardent or curious adventurer might find. It is full of mystery, quite dangerous, and possibly one such adventure that they wish they had never stumbled upon ... but, hey, isn't that what adventures do all the time?


Through The Trees, You See A House In The Distance!

Saturday 4 February 2023

Episode 71: The Warts and All!

It was Oliver Cromwell, the devout puritan, who first coined the phrase that we still use today, when he said that his portrait must be painted showing his "warts and all". I carefully use the term now to say that my own module, The Scroll, can now be seen being played in its latest form to date. This public viewing of the module is being played by Travus, who, in my opinion, is an expert player. He is doing a great job of putting the module through its paces and revealing both the module's strengths, and, of course, the occasional "warts" that may still need addressing. Let's take a look at the latest ...

WARNING: Potential Spoilers!

Now, if you hope to play my module at any time, then you may wish to avoid taking a look at these videos beyond the first two, as the path you take may be very different to that which Travus has taken. In fact, arguably, even the first video has Travus taking a potential different path to that I have known other player's to take. However, Travus prepares his videos so well, that they are a delight to watch. His voice acting brings both the PCs and NPCs to life, and he gives great consideration to all the actions he takes. Put succinctly, he is the exact type of player I appreciate, and one I hope is enjoying playing my module as much as my wife and I are enjoying watching his play through of it.

Warning aside, if you want to see how Travus is doing, and don't mind seeing potential plot lines that would differ from your own choices, then do take a look at his videos and be sure to "like" his work. Maybe it will encourage you to take a closer look at the module yourself? After all, I have confessed in the past that The Scroll is not for the casual player, and requires a player's time investment to fully appreciate. Travus demonstrates exactly how to approach the module, and hopefully, seeing some of the gameplay in action by someone who knows what is required will be helpful and encouraging to watch.

So, if you are interested, here is the link to the list of videos at the excellent AhTravesty YouTube site, which have been released and are available to date. I believe Travus is aiming to release a new episode every other day; so be sure to come back and keep up to date if watching.

Warts Being Removed!

If you take a look at the videos, just bear in mind that any "warts" (that is "bugs"), that you may witness in any of them will have been removed already, or will be removed as soon as I can do so. A few minor typos and grammatical errors will likely still remain, but with the help of another tester, Dustin, I am aiming to address as many of these as I can over the weeks or months ahead too. The most important gaming bugs, however, reported by any testers, will be addressed as soon as I can, and an update released for all players and testers alike. So far, all the latest updates have only needed to address a few minor glitches, and have actually better served to add new content rather than address any severe bug. For example, the latest update (v1.94E) adds improvements to the familiar GUI. (See screenshot below.)

Module Two News!

Again, I want to assure everyone that the second module for the campaign is still in development. Importantly, please remember that any bug fixes for the first module, and any new content that gets added to it is also an update and progress for the second module. Therefore, if you are a player who ends up playing and enjoying my first module, and have something you would like to see in module two, then do let me know. As an example, the improved inventory and familiar GUIs were as a result of watching Travus's style of play in his videos.

TWO NEW AREAS: I am currently working on a plot that involves vampires, which regular readers of this blog will already know to expect in the next module. It was while working on this quest that I realised I was going to need a couple more areas, again! These have now been created, and I am writing new conversation lines based upon the plot that involves these two new areas.

Again, I am very excited to report that I believe I have come up with an interesting plot line that will have the player wondering what may be transpiring, before solving the mystery involved. Of late, I have been quite determined to add an extra step of wonder (that I hope won't confuse the player at the time), which may help to make the quest a memorable one. Sorry that I cannot go into more detail.

Moving forward, I hope to have this quest finished by the next blog release, and, hopefully, I will be able to update you on what I move onto by then. Apart from addressing any "warts" of module one that any of the testers or players bring me, it will most likely involve writing more conversations. 

Until next time, maybe watch a video or two, or leave some comments. Feedback is what helps move a project forward.

Aeriol Choosing A Familiar!

Friday 13 January 2023

Episode 70: Let's Go Exploring!

At the end of last year, I was able to wrap up one of the side quests for my second module, Predestinated Days, just in time for me to pick up another to continue working on at the start of this new year. This quest I am considering now, however, is set a little out of the way. Not only that, but it involves its own backstory, with NPCs doing their own thing, and which the heroes may somehow discover. If you are interested in reading about the latest development, especially in the steps involved for a builder, or hoping to pick up a hint of what to expect in the next module, let's go exploring.

Step One: Acquiring The Quest!

Every good gamer knows that before they can reap the rewards of their various adventures, they need to find a quest that may offer such in the first place! For the adventure creator, this can be a challenge, because, unless we care little about quest delivery, we often prefer to gently guide a player into a place where it feels natural for them to take on the adventure rather than railroad them into it.

However, unless it is a story driven module only, we are also aware that the gamer plays our modules so they can do quests in the first place. Therefore, of all the stages of quest development, this step is probably where the builder can cut themselves a little slack when it comes to creating the quest. For myself, I use a number of quest delivery systems, from conversations, reading notices, or finding items, to name just a few. Personally, I try to avoid "repetitive" tasks (or quests) where possible. Therefore, any task I design will normally only be "achievable" the once, but may or may not be time restricted. 

The main aim for me when introducing a player to a quest is to give them the feeling of ownership rather than a requirement. In a story driven module (or campaign), however, it is impossible to avoid certain quests that require finishing ... but, if we can add more story elements that allow various completion paths, or that may become part of the main story in some way, then we can offer a unique experience for each player who plays the module. This latest quest I am working on is one such story element I am hoping will potentially add some unique experiences for the player.

Step Two: Reaching Our Goal!

Normally, most quests, once acquired, require some preparation on the part of the heroes before they head out to do the actual quest. If the quest is a simple one, like having to speak with somebody or fetch an item, the amount of preparation may be minimal. However, this is also an area where the builder can throw in a curveball to catch out unprepared players. This should not be overused, of course, but it is a good way to have the heroes suddenly find themselves involved in a larger quest than first expected.

In the quest I am currently working on, some of the opening steps are about 'info gathering' before coming to the conclusion that the heroes need to travel to a location farther afield. This had me looking at the map systems again, and, for this quest in particular, looking at the overland map that will come with Predestinated Days. Having done their 'homework', the heroes will learn they must travel to a certain location, and this is where the new overland map comes into play.

This week's screenshot shows the new look for the overland map. On it you can see the new "Travel Information" at the top of the screen. This information takes into account all pertinent figures regarding the whole party and their travel situation, including: 'Current Terrain', 'Speed' and 'Distance Travelled', as well as who in the current party of travellers is best (according to the PCs skills) at 'Detecting' objects and creatures, and/or 'Protecting' the heroes from possible dangers. There is also a line of information saying whether the heroes are using basic rations or have a cleric that is using Create Food and Water to enable them to travel. All these figures update live, and the overland map supports all the other objects a player would expect to see in such a setup, including finding hidden objects or locations, as well as having encounters!

Step Three: Completing The Objective!

So having reached our 'goal', we now have to determine what we need to do to complete the objective. However, this stage can also include extra info gathering and preparation, as in steps one and two above. That is, we may have additional steps that need to be considered before we can achieve our final mission objective. It's akin to discovering a new area that has its own requirements to be met before being able to reach the final objective within the area. This, of course, can continue for as many times as you have the time to develop this particular story line.

I know I am describing what most players and builders will already instinctively know, but sometimes it is worth considering some of these steps more carefully before moving forward to the next ... too soon. In a story driven adventure, we aim to avoid the formulaic 'pick up quest', 'reach quest', 'do quest' which use as few details as possible, as that will only make the 'adventure' feel weak or quickly forgettable. In The Althéa Campaign, my aim is to reproduce the feel of adventuring and world exploring rather than be forced to follow a single story. That is to say, the campaign, while having a main story to follow, it is not the sole reason for a player playing a PC in the world. The world is bigger than the main story, even if the main story is the greater part of the module.

So, back to the quest I am working on, and how it fits in with the rest of the campaign. First, it has connections with the first module, The First Day, and so has a sense of continuity for players who played the first module. Secondly, it takes part in a section of the world that may otherwise be overlooked if the heroes choose only to follow the main quest. Note, it is this latter point that makes this project I am working on a campaign rather than a module. There is a subtle difference between what a cRPG (computer role-play game) calls a side-quest and what in PnP (pen and paper) one would call a scenario. My aim, especially in this second module of the campaign, is to try to provide one or two larger scenario type 'side-quests'; this being one. Such scenarios take more time to build, however, and so even incorporating just a few can be a challenge.

Step Four: Mission Accomplished!

Only after the heroes have overcome all the obstacles on their trek to reach and achieve the final goal, can they at last say that they have accomplished their mission. However, hopefully, the journey to this accomplishment will be one to remember rather than anything quickly forgotten. The quest may have opened as a mystery before some information was learned, a path trodden, and some creatures defeated along the way. But, the flavour or story behind this quest will, hopefully, have one or two elements that make it stand out from the crowd, which in turn, may also help to give value to any reward the PCs finally receive. In particular, the heroes actions may well have served to change another aspect of the world in which they travel, while always still on the course to save it from a yet far worse pending threat.

The point is to give a sense of achievement whenever possible, without overplaying or underplaying each stage. If the task has been more basic, but a part of the background story nonetheless, then it should be recognised as good role-play by the player and rewarded for such appropriately. In other words, when a PC agrees to collect ten items for a local mage, the reward should not be the greatest sword ever made, (unless you have a good plot reason for doing so), but be rewarded appropriately. After all, the PCs have still made some sort of progress. The point is to try to balance the number of 'basic' tasks with more meaningful scenario type quests, in such a way that they complement each other in a style that awards satisfaction in proportion to the quest's difficulty. Each should reward the player in a way that befits the effort involved.

Step Five: Thanks For The Memory!

In the case of the scenario I am currently writing, it opens with a missing person, involves some investigation, some risk taking, some travel, and eventually the discovery of new areas, for which the attentive player will have prepared their PCs for any potential combat ahead. 

That's the outline for this scenario, and the final confrontation is already prepared. The front end is completed, and the final rewards are in place, should the heroes succeed in their task. All the areas are designed, and all that remains is to add the final details that I hope will make this diversion a memorable one. Now, whether that is a good or bad memory may not be just up to me, but how the heroes adventures fare in this place. Good adventuring, heroes!

Roaming The World At Last!