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Monday 30 August 2021

Episode 51: Fast Area Map Travel

This is probably a silly question being asked here, but have you ever played the likes of Baldur's Gate (or more recently, Pillars of Eternity) and noticed the "map travel" facility that these games use? I am speaking about the way you can click on a location on a map and the heroes travel to that point. I bring it up now, as a player of my first module recently requested if I could include something like it in my next module. Thankfully, after some playing around, I believe I have achieved something that works just as well, and may even have an added benefit! I am even hoping to have it for module one, from v1.50E onwards! Read on for more info ... (Video demo further down page.)

Waypoints Travel

I took the premise that the main reason players liked to be able to click on a map directly to travel, was normally after they had explored it more slowly the first time it was encountered. This meant that by the time a player had explored an area, there were advantages to be able to click on the map to effectively travel faster to a known location without having to direct the movement by piecemeal environment clicks.

Therefore, with this in mind, I recognised that the only other hurdle to consider (for me at any rate) was to ensure no further gaming aspects could be broken by any system I devised. i.e. A system that simply jumped PCs across areas should be avoided, as such jumping could also jump over a builder's vital event trigger! NB: I do use such "jump" systems when I know they can be employed safely, and do so in a large outdoor area in my first module. However, the system I wanted to add was one that could help alleviate the constant mouse-click update within the gaming environment that would not compromise the game in any other way.

The answer was to become more reliant on waypoints; the small markers builders use to annotate an area map to give locations to the player. With such markers in place, and as long as a recognised format was employed, I could then setup a means to allow players to select the waypoints to which they could speed travel for their PCs to run towards.

Waypoint Format Matters

For the design I had in mind, the way I was to setup existing waypoints now mattered more than before. The game engine relies on many waypoints for various reasons, and now I wanted to add some of my own design into the mix. I also took the opportunity to allow different types (colour to represent transitions for example) to list similar groups together. So, as it turned out, general waypoints (for buildings) were given a green background, transitions a blue, and players own waypoints, a red background.

To clarify, yes you read that correctly. For those that may not yet be familiar with my area map system, players can annotate the area maps themselves. If they choose to do so, then their map pins will also show on the area map with a name label of their choosing.

Fail-safe Travelling

Pathfinding has never been great in the NWN games, and so I have taken steps to help alleviate any PCs getting stuck during their travels. However, this area of coding may change (improve) as time goes by. For now, however, I can report that testing to date has shown all destinations were reached, even in quite crowded locations. I have not yet tested all areas and conditions though. As a further aid, I have also effectively "doubled" the PCs default speed while travelling this way, so that areas are crossed that more quickly when using the system.

The system is also designed to break out of fast travelling should the party encounter a hostile or start a conversation. It can also manually be stopped by switching PCs while moving or simply closing the map (or related waypoint list). The system also stops if the PC encounters a door or gate that requires opening. As a small consequence of using the faster travel system, however, is that searches of nearby secrets and hidden objects will be ignored, as if the PCs were simply making all haste to return to a destination, without any concern for searching.

The Scroll Area Map Fast Travel System

Module Two Other News

Although slightly distracted by adding the fast way point system (which benefits all modules from v1.50E onwards), I have still been able to do some work in module two. It mostly involves new conversations, but recently involved a new creature too. (The creature is already available at the Vault, but it is "new" as far as an inclusion within my own campaign.) However, it was while working on this new creature that I discovered a few more minor issues with module one that also demanded my attention. 

My wife is currently testing some final alterations in her latest play through, but when the time comes, the next upload of module one (v1.50E) will have a large number of changes that require me to point out that earlier versions are no longer directly compatible. By that, I mean earlier versions will still play if updated using the latest campaign files, but are not fully supported, meaning latest updates such as the area map travel system will not work unless the module being played is also v1.50E or above. (NB: Replacing a module folder mid-game is NOT recommended. Better to restart the module completely.)

Another aspect that is not fully "compatible" is the new journal "By Group" option, which was another new design concept originally aimed at module two, but will be made backward compatible for module one v1.50E onwards. This new journal sort option basically now sorts journal entries by colour groups: Main Quests (green); sandy brown (essential side quests); pale green (non-essential side quests); blue (missions of mercy quests), and orange (gaming information). Furthermore, the old "Recommended" option has now been replaced with a new "By Order" option. The distinction being that the order is still a recommendation, but with more of a priority weighting. It's subtle.

I cannot stress how much I am looking forward to bringing you Predestinated Days! I have so many new different aspects of gameplay, that I am beginning to recognise the scale of this project. The new alterations to module one are just some of those that leak through.

As a final note, v1.50E also addresses some minor points that needed fixing in earlier versions, and now also takes extra care with respect to plot items when players may use the Party Gen GUI in a way I had not first considered.

Monday 16 August 2021

Episode 50: A cRPG About 3rd Edition PnP D&D!

Those who have known me for some time will know that my RPG interest stems from a PnP (pen and paper) AD&D background. For me, NWN2 offered the best way to get AD&D PnP scenarios into a cRPG environment. Importantly, it offers an excellent interface that allows individual companion possession as well as encouraging multiple players to team up and play a game together. For my own campaign, there was still a lot of work for me to do with respect to improving the MP coop environment, but at least the core program was flexible enough to allow me to transfer from one medium to another. Over the years I have been doing this I have noticed other builders use NWN2 from quite a different angle. My observations follow ...


Turn-Based Combat System

When I first started designing The Scroll, (using NWN1 at the time) my initial modules were created around a completely unique true turn-based combat system that I spent a long time coding within the NWN1 environment. It involved individual players controlling their own mannequin, which in turn controlled every PC they owned. Through this system, as DM, I was able to control the combat in a true turn-based system, which allowed DM and players alike to take turns according to when the next creature's initiative came along. Of course, when NWN2 came along, which allowed the instant switching between PCs for players, the mannequin concept I had developed could take a back seat if we were prepared to play a pseudo-turn-based system: where all players and DM (or AI) assigned their actions at the same time for the up and coming combat round. To me, the newer NWN2 approach offered greater benefits for us, not only as it meant I would not have to edit every spell to work in a true turn-based system, but it reflected a more "real" response in a combat round. (The spell editing was something I had started with NWN1, but stopped when the decision was made to switch to NWN2 when it came along.) Another benefit of moving to NWN2 was that it meant I could create the campaign for a larger audience, now allowing the new turn-based system to be merely an option for any new players that may like to play my campaign using tactical turn-based combat.

As the years have passed, however, I have seen less and less interest in some of these key elements of gameplay of which I hope to cover here: tactical turn-based combat being near the top of what appears to me a wave of "old ways rejection". I hasten to add this is not the case for myself or my own players, as we still very much like to play a combat using a character by character assignment in every encounter! However, I think there are other elements of which I hope to cover below, which have also taken a hit to inclusions due to changes in attitudes. I will approach these as I believe they have impacted the gameplay.

Resources: Rest and Recovery

Much of what governed the way a D&D module played in the PnP days was as much about good player management of their player character (PC) resources as anything else. Timelines, equipment, spell uses and hit points all mattered! I know there may be those who would argue they still do, or maybe there are others that will argue they are glad that such aspects of play no longer matter. My argument, however, is that while I am quite keen to see changes to mechanics that add interesting elements of gameplay, I am saddened when (in my opinion) elements are broken, or simply removed altogether. To me, it matters because such changes also break some of the key gaming aspects of a role-playing-game (RPG), especially with respect to the spirit of a D&D module.

Even the official NWN2 campaign suffered from this when players are allowed to rest almost at any time and anywhere. A simple pressing of the "R" key to rest and most (normally all) ailments, hit-points and spells are fully recovered. It becomes such a farce that it begs the argument of even having any "usage" for such recovered elements of play at all! Furthermore, once these kind of resources "no longer matter", such things as tactical combat (pause and assign commands) becomes meaningless, as we may as well use all our best resources against any foe because the moment the fight is over, we can just recover everything! It's no wonder that players today do not appreciate the more tactical side of playing a D&D combat. Basically, it has changed from players carefully considering their "limited" options to ensure they progress both in story and character as a team effort, to one of a fast solitary mega-build to compare their PC builds to their fellow players. Just look at the way coop games have declined over the years. I am referring to true D&D party coop and not large MP worlds.

The Timeline

The alteration of or even complete omission of a timeline also has damaging repercussions, albeit more subtle than that mentioned above. For while "free resting" is an obvious abuse of a timeline, it is made worse if left out altogether. When playing an RPG, events are occurring, and normally within a time frame. At the very least, even if no actual calendar is used, the world should reflect changes in light from night and day, even if scripted to do so if not through actual time passing. Otherwise, again, the player is no longer thinking about the resource of time and how that may have an impact on what they need to achieve. 

Basically,  the more we remove aspects like the importance of time and resource management, we are moving away from the RPG and into the realm of an "adventure game". There is nothing wrong with an adventure game, for I have played many and still enjoy them now. My point is, however, as the years have passed, I have noticed builders, even of AAA "RPGs" steer away from these traditional core RPG gaming elements.

Suspended Realities: Items & Encumbrance

I believe there is a difference between a fantasy game that considers resource management and one that does not. I have already mentioned the effects of some of the more obvious resource management issues to do with combat, but there are others that I would like to mention here too, such as encumbrance. Once again, I know the arguments used with such a game mechanic, but to ignore it completely (or even partially) can (in my opinion) imbalance a game. If you allow any PC to carry any amount of equipment (including gold), then one of the benefits of having strength among the PCs becomes less of an importance. The point I am trying to make, however, is that when too many aspects of gameplay mechanics are ignored, then we move away from the player even considering what they carry. Anything and everything becomes a viable item for the pack-rat that such a system encourages, leaving any items of importance just another bauble in the avalanche of "prizes". Personally, I believe the game is already over-generous with the strength allowances it gives. My preference, however, is to encourage an environment that gives value to finding a bag of holding or at the very least has players recognise the carrying capacity of a low strength PC. This is why to this end, I ensure gold does weigh something in my campaign.

The Economy

This brings us nicely to the economy of a world. I am the first to admit that balancing such is no easy task, but a clear game-breaker for any resource considering world has to be how common certain items are found in a world. I understand that certain items are necessary to help a world move along, but the value of a fantastic item is truly lost if every other vendor carries the next best thing.


I was going to consider some other aspects of gameplay that reflect a spirit of D&D, but I believe if the core concept of managing resources is understood as a vital distinguishing mark, then other aspects such as archetypal classes and NPC interaction also fall into place. I hope I am not alone in my observations, and that others also would like to reclaim some of those elements that have fallen by the wayside with time. Or perhaps I and others like me, are now a dying breed. Maybe the RPG has moved on to those who have better dexterity (for real), and don't really want to know about role-playing an avatar in a world where tactical choices beyond a bigger and better sword or spell matter, as long as they can beat the next creature that comes along and grab its massive horde. Please understand that this is NOT a complaint about any specific choice or style of play, but at worst, a lament for a kind of "depth" to a game that appears to be no longer in fashion. What about you?


For those interested, Predestinated Days will be written and designed in a style as close to PnP 3.5E AD&D rules as I can achieve, with some of my own additional mechanics that reflect the current world setup and main plot. This means you will need to consider resource management, and have the option to switch to turn-based combat if you need to, to help manage your resources. You will have to consider what PCs you have in your party to help manage all those situations you may find yourself in, but will also have the flexibility to adapt to the situation with any PC if you take time to learn about the world. You will face different creatures with different backgrounds and goals. You will come across difficult locks that only the best at lock picking can crack. You will also encounter puzzles to test your mental agility, and characters ready to test your moral fibre. Think D&D with an AI DM at the helm, as you will not simply be able to kill your way through the game.

But, you will not be left without the means to succeed. You can only fail if you lack the ability to manage a party of PCs both carefully and wisely. It's not a casual game, although you can certainly make it a lot easier by dropping the game options where I have taken care to allow easier foe and puzzles, but even with such adjustments, the player NEEDS to make careful decisions. It's a true traditional D&D game (as close as I could make it), based on a PnP campaign, including some of the original paper written dungeons, that will have you having to stop and think at times. If you have ever played PnP D&D, then I hope you know what I mean ... otherwise, unless you like a challenge beyond input device twitches, then maybe it won't be for you. ;)

Below is an original image of a city called Southstrong from my PnP campaign, of which some areas will be used in Predestinated Days. The two images below the map show a tavern from that city, and a thief attempting to pick a lock. (GUI improved from the first module to work on chests now.) NB: The option to switch to a NWN style pick lock is also available on the GUI.

Original Pen And Paper Map Drawing of Southstrong

A Tavern Within The City of Southstrong

Chest Demonstrating the Lockpick GUI